Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

ß.178 Ill ore than they fear finch ufing of the Crofs a`s 4ug (line de Civ. Dei, and other ancients men- tnon,'.as an open Indication to Heathens that we are not afbarned of a ° Crucified Chrift : Much leis are they againf civil ufès of a Crofs. 2..Thename [Sacrament ] fignify_irig primarily any folewniz.ation," of a . Covenant by .Oath 4nd Ceremony ( as the faerarnentatn: militare among the 'Romans ) efpecially 4 Covenant which engageth one in a new .relati&o and more largely any facred nyjtical Ceremony, theq.ueflion here is whether the Graf, be not made (not only a facra. ment_ in a larger fénfe, as ordination and 4 latri. mont' may be called faeranents)but even a facra- rr'exit 'òf oe Covenant ofgrace, or fo very veer it as to have the greater part of that fàcramental nature. 3. The Church Ca«chifm defineth' a Divine " f crament thus, . ( .fin outward and vifible "fiiçn' ofan inward andfpiritual gracegiven to us, " ordained by 'Chriß himfelfas a means whereby we «.receive the fume, and a pledge to mire us there- cc of 4. That it be ordained by Clrri(r hirnfelf is nor eflfential to a facrament in genere, but ro a facra- ment of Gods' making in fpecie as diainft from one thars made by man ; as is evident in the reafon ofthe name. g. The true nature of this Croffing is known by the Liturgy, 2. And the Canon. z. The Liturgy appointed, it to be Laptifr, not as a part of our lia}tifin, but as a thing added, immediately after the words [ I Baptize thee c'rc. ] even in our Covenanting with God 2. It thus defcribeth.and appointeth ir, [ we receive " t is