Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

5] to chufe Wives or Husbands , Servants or Mafters,Tutors of Pupils,_Phyficians or Patients, for all their Subje, but bath antecedently given fuch Subiecfs power to chufe for them- felves, and to Princes to be civil Rulers of filch as have this Choice, by which Governing Power they may regulate their Choice in lubordination to Chrifts Univerfal Laws, and may punith them for grofs mifdoing : Therefore it is no Schifm for Paftors to ordain, or People to chufe the Over- leers of their fouls, without or againft a Magi, firates will or command as tùch(fubmitting to his Government.) XLIII. z I. When faithful Paftors truly ordain- ed and elected, or confented to, are in petreflion, if a lawful Magifirate call them out (not only of the Temples and Tithes,but allo of their Pa§lo ral Relation and Overfght, and put others in their places ofuntried and fufpeted parts and fidelity; 1. The Princes impofition maketh not fucIr the true Paftors of that Churchbefore and without the Peoples confint : 2, Nor will it al wales bind the People to confènt, and to foríàke their former Paftors, nor prove them Schifmaticks becaufe they do it not. For I. God in Nature and Scripture bath gi- ven them that confenting power antecedent to the Princes determination, which none can take from them. As he bath in nature given men the Choice (or Content at leaft) with what Phyfician theywill truft their lives : God hath not put all tick mens lives fo far in the Princes power as to bind them to truft and ufe whorföever he Mall. chufe : For men are neareft to themfelves, and. their lives are at their own wills in the fïrft in- 4 fiance,