Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

°3 .?rewiaro cap. 12 fchifma fatium efl inter eos quale antes nunquam contigerat. e/Egypti, Thraces ( Paleftini Epifcopi Diofcorum fequebantur, Orientales, Pontici: & fani Sanftee Mcmoria 16avianum : .Qaoa Schafma Pc7manfit pique ad obitum 'Theodofii Principis. But when Martian was made Emperour, all was undon again :that went for Herefie, which before went for the right belief, Diofcorus was baniíhed, Proterius was chofen; and how chofen : faith Liberarus c. 14 ut cum omnium civiarm voluntate eligerint orciinandum Epifcoptem, facris ob hoc literas prR- cedentibus, ad Theodorum tune -4ugufl-alcm collecli font ergo Nobiles Civitatis, ut cam qui effet vita fermone Pontificate dignus, elsgerint : Hoc enim 6- lmperialibusfanCionibus jnbebatur, N. B. Yet all this quieted not the people. becaufe Diofcc- rus was trill by the moat taken for their true Bifhop ; fo that Proterius was fain to live under the guard of Souldiers among them : Timothy s.Elurus, and Peter Moggus keeping feparate Congregations, would not communicate with Proterius ; and no fboner did they hear of Mar- tians death, but the people in tumult murdered Proterius in the Church, mangled him, caft our, and burnt his carcafs, and fcattered his afhes in the wind, and made Timothy e lurus their Bi- Chop : And thenceforward "ilexandria had two Bifbops : And both fides petitioning the new Emperour Leo to be for them, he command- ed. ( upon examination ) his General to caft out Timothy, 6 ilium decreto populi qui Synodum Calccd. vindicaret, inthronizare, This Stila the Captain performed], and another Timothy Sala- phpce1áas is chofen : But when after Leo's death Bali-