Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

ró71 to forfake them becaufe they Were tibellatiks in perfecution, proving from Scripture that uncapizble r rfons cannot be F4ors, and that filch fcandalous finners and bad men wereuncapable perrons ( forma non recipitzr in materian.2 indifpofitam ;) charging it upon their confciences as from Gods word; Mewing them that els they %vi'1 be Guilty of their fins hecaufe the Schief power is in the people both of chafing the worthy, and forfàking the unworthy. And yet there two Bifhops lived beyond the Seas in another Country, and the Bifhops oftheir own Country and the $ifhop of Rome had dealt more gently with them, and adjudged Cornmu- nion to them. And the Africans pretended to noauthority over them, but by Counfèll told them of Gods own Law, which no man had power to invalidare. They charge the people . as heinous finners if they forltke not a wicked unmeetBifhop or Pafìor.what Libellaticks were r. fuppofed the reader to know(viz,f.zch as to five their lives in perfecution, had permitted another to put their names by fubfcription to a falle pro-, feffion that favoured idolatry or infidelity. ) Obj. r. But Cyprian and the African Councils were ani,a&en in the point of Rebaptizing thofe baptized by Heretickc;_ and ;ò they might be here. ) Anf. I. The Council o' f Nice decreed the rebaptizing of thole that were baptized by fome Hereticks, though not by all : And if the Africans did not confine the word to filch, they erred only in not fuf lciently diftinguifhing of Hereticks. 2. If we are excurecl from receiving the tefti-mony of fuch Fathers and Councils as had any Errour, or as great an Errour as that, F z yo*