Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 7. Hypocrites St. Mark. traditions. Ch. 7. I, &C. Ifthere Hypocrires had not Cere- ro. For Mofes Paid, Honour thy moray, and Tradition, and Obedience to their father and thy mother: and, Who- Councils to make Religion of, how could they fo curfeth father or mother, let him quiet their Confciences in their worldly wick- ed Lives t And what pretence could they have die the death. hadto perfecute Chrift and his Apoftles, had" Io. Whofòrevileth. not Obedience to their Mafterfhips, andCoss- . 1 I. But ye fay, if a man fhali fay ells, and Traditions in Ceremony, ferved . their to his father or mother, It io Corban, malignity fora pretence ? The Devil will be that is to fay, a gift, by whatfoe- religiousao deftroy Religion. ever thou mighteít be profited by 5. Then the pharifees and fcribes me, : he befree, asked him, Why walk not thy dif- ci let accoxdin to the tradition of v. Iftte fay, leis devoted to God. N. God P r g accepteth not any thing vowed to him for the elders, but eat bread with un- Worntip, which he before bound us by his wafhen hands ? Command to employ any other way. S. Why obferve you not the Canons. 12. And ye fuff_r him no more 6. He anfwered and faid unto to do ought for his father or his mo- them well hath Efaias prophefied of then : 1 3. Making the word of God you hypocrites, as it is written, This of none effeft through your tradi- people honoureth me with their lips, tion, which ye have delivered: and but their heart is far from me. 7. many fuch like things do ye. Howbeit, in vain do they worfhip 13. N. They thought that their Canons me, teaching for doecrines the corn- could lode Men from God's Commands. As mandments of men. ifa Canon ihould forbid Men to give to the 6. en. Well Both Efay deCcribe you Hy- Poor, or to preach the Gofpel, orworfhip God, pocrites, This People, &c. give me an outfide who are bound to it by God's Law. ` ceremonious Worlhip, but their hearts are void rl. And when he had called all of trueHolinefs, Religion, and Spiritual Wor- the people unto him, he Paid unto fhip. But all their HypocriticalWorfhip ofme them, Hearken unto me every one is in vain, while they make Doarines and of you, and ütlderftarld. r There Laws ofReligion of the Injun&ions of Men, y e 5' and the Traditions or Canons of their Councils is nothing from without a man that or Elders. entring into him can defile him : 8. For layingafiide the command- but the things which come out of mene of God, ye hold the tradition him, thole are they that defile the of men, as the waffling of pots and man. 16. If any man have ears to cups : and many other fuch like hear, let him hear. things ye do. 14> "c. N. He fpeakpth of defiling by 8. God commands one ttfpreach and obey Guile. his Word, and to live in Love; and mew mer- 17. And when he was entred in- cy, &e. Thefe you lay afide, and hinder to the houle from the people , his the Preaching ofhis Word, and perfecute his difciples asked him concerning the+ Servants, and then you are zealous for your parable. 18. And he faith unto Ceremonies. N. his not W.jhivg for Cleanli- nefs,butforCeremony, thatChrift fpeaketlla- them, Are ye fo without under- gainft. handing alto ? Do ye not perceive, 9. And he laid unto them, Full that whatfoever thing from without well ye rejef the commandment of entreth into the man, it cannot de- God, that ye may keep your own file him. r9. Becaufe it entreth not tradition. into his heart, but into the belly, 9. You think it very well done, to fer a- and goeth out into the draughts gainit Godlinefs and God's own Laws; or purging all meats ? make nothingof them, thatyoumay keep your i7. ere. Meat maketh not a finful liegrt ö Own prefumptuous Canons, or Traditions. N. Will, as fuch. By [Full well) ismeant' [full ill) Chrift thew- ill, And he laid, that which tom- eth us that`allufeofIronies or Derilions is not tallawfat. eth out of the man, that defileth the H 3 mass