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Ch.12. The Widows mites. St. Mark. Chrift's Prophecies. Ch.t3; famines, and troubles: thefe are the beginnings of forrows. 8. Many commotions null go before the dcftru&ion. 9. But take heed to your felves for they fhall deliver you up to councils ; and in the fynagogues ye shall be beaten , and ye flail be brought before rulers and kings for my fake, for a teftimony against them. 9. I allow you by lawful means to keep your (elves out of their hands; but I foretell you that their Councils will condemn you, and in their Synagogues theywill (courge you like Malefaihors, and cult you our, and you shad be brought before filch as Herod, Agrippa, and the Roman Procurators, to answer for be- ing Chrillians. That your teftimony may evince againft them, that they heard the Gofpel, and did not obey ir. I o. And the gofpel muft-"firft be published among all nations. to. Pefàre their deftruilion, the Gofpel muff be fpread and publithed abroad, both to yews and Gentiles. a i. But when they shall lead you and deliver you up, take no thought, beforehand what ye (hall li?eak, neither do ye premeditate : but whatfóever shall be given you in that hour, that fpeak ye : for it is not ye that fpeak , but the holy Ghost. r r. Tho you may he discouraged for want of matter, boldness or utterance, let not this trouble you s for I promise you the present helpof my Spirit. 12. Now the brother shall be* tray the brother to death, and the father the fon : and children flail rife up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death. r3. And ye flail be hated of all men for my name's fake : but he that shall endure unto the end, the fame fhall be faved. 11. t 3. Yoro kindred themfelves Tall be your Enemies, and. Shall not (pare your very lives : And the vulgar of all forts (hall be fe- dared to take you t or the plaguesof the World, and commonly mention you as a hateful fort of men : But bear all this patiently : Trutt God, and hold out to the end, and you (hall be lavedflout all this and more. 54. But when ye (hall fee the pbo, this poor widow bath cast more in, then all they which havecaf'r into the treafury. 44. For all they did cast in of their abundance : but the of her want didcalf in all that the had, even all her living. 41. k is no note of felt-denying piety, to ferve God fo Liberally of that which the flefit can (pare, and which cofteth the fletlt no denial of its decres, but to ferve it with the fir(., and God with its leavings. s. God ac- cepteth a willing mind,' where wealth and power is wanting. CHAP. XIII. t. A Nd as he went out of the tern- a( pie, one of his diféiples faith untohim, Mafter, fee what manner of ftones, and what buildings are here. a. And Jefus anfwering faid unto him , Seeft thou thefe great buildings ? there shall not be left one ftone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. 3. And as he fat upon the mount of Olives, over againft the temple, Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew, asked him privately, 4. Tell us, when shall thefe things be ? and what (hall be the figs when all thefe things shall be fulfilled. See inMath. s4. note, Nature would fore- know even the evil to come. S: -.And Jefus anfwering them, began to fay, Take heed left any man deceive you. 6. For many ¡hall come in my name, faying I amChrifl : and shall deceive many. 6. Many Stall pretend that they are tent to;reftore the Jewith Kingdom, and draw in people to their deftru&ion. 7. And when ye flail heat of wars, and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled : for filch things must needs be ; but the end (ball not be yet. 8. For nation flail rife against nation, and kingdom against king- dom : and there fhall be earthquakes in divers places and there (hall be