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Ch. rs. The Parab'e of St. Luke. the Prodigal Son. Ch. r S. conftrained by nccefliry) 2. It work(th by a penitent confefïion of fin,, and utter un- worthincf.=. g. It would be glad of the low- eft place, in God's Church, and of the lowtlt terms of Mercy. '20. And he arofe, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father raw Inni, and had compaf lion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kifred him. zo. Note, e, TWO purpófs will appear in praaice and performance : They flop not in fluggilr wifnes, but arife and go to God. 2. God is readier to meet and receive finners,than they are to return to him. 3,. He furprizeth returning inners with kindncfs, and em- braces them who expected frowns and wrath, and ufeth them not after their defert. 4. Though neceflity and falflove begin con- verfion, God's Love meeteth fuck and per- feeceth ir. s. God is reconciiable to the inner by his goodnefs, though not to his fan. 21. And the fon raid unto him, Father, I have finned againft hea- ven, and in thy fight, and am no more worthy to be called thy fon. 2 r. Note, Our own humble and penitent confeffrons mutt go before God's forgivenefs and entertainment. 22.. But the father faid to his fervants, Bring forth the belt robe, and put it on him, and ptit a ring on his hand, and !hoes on his feet. - 22. Note, God findeth inners in fhame- ful rags, and mifery, but clotheth them as his Children with Kighteoufnefs and Holi:- nefs. 23. And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it ; and let us eat and be merry. 23. Let us feaft and rejoyce for the return of a Prodigal Son. . 24. For this my fon was dead, and is alive again ; he was loft and is found. And they began to be merry. 24. Note, The Rate of fin la a loft cords- tion, and a converted firmer is found and re- covered ; it is a dead condition, and conver- fton js a reviving. It giveth the life of Grace . in order to the life ofGlory. M 4 God thered all together, and took his jour- ney into a fir countrey, and there wa- fted his fubftance with riotous living. t r, 12. t 3. Nate r. Foolilh finners had ra- ther have their Concerns in their own hands, than in God's.' Note 2. When it is left to themfelves, it is loon wafted. Note, 3. Ri- otous flesh.pleafing is the deftru&ive fin. Note 4. When inners go from God their Fa- ther, they go to deiru&tion. a4. And when he had fpent all, there arofe a mighty famine in that land ; and he began to be in want. i 5. And he went and joyned him- felf to a citizen of that countrey ; and he fent him into his fields to feed fwine. 16. And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the fwine did eat : and no man gave unto him, 14, 15, 16. 14e hired himfelf a Servant to feed Swine, to prevent famithing; and they would not let him fill his Belly with the Cods of the Carabe Tree, which was the Swines meat. Note, ,e. Worldly Treasure will loon be fpent. Note, 2. Foolith inners will Submit to the bafeft Servitude, and be attendants of ;wine, rather than return to God. Nate, 3. All wordly hopes and helps will fail ungodly Pro- digals at -laft. 17. And when he came to him- felf, he Paid, Flow many hired fer- vants of any fathers's have bread enough and to fpare, and I perilh with hunger ? 17. Plate, i, Prodigal inners are beide themfelves. 2. Convection is a Mans coming to himflf, or his right wits. 3. It is con- fideration, fpecially of a Man's own tàfety and ìntereft, which bringeth a Man to himfelf. 4. Utter diftrefs and neceffrty is oft needful to drive home inners unto God, when they fee that there is no other way of hope. 5. And the confideration that the pooreft Chriltian is in a far better condition than the Prodigal : They haveall, and he hath no- thing. 18. I will arife and go to my fa- ther, and will fay unto him, Father, I have finned againfr heaven and be- fore thee. 19. And amnomore wor- thy to be called thy fon : make me as one of thy hired fervants. r t, 19. Note, t. Converfion beginneth in apurpole to return to Gvd (though at fìrlt