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V Ch.17. The power ofFaith. St. Luke. The Lepers cleanfed. Ch. t7 might fay unto this fycamine tree, nor is he a Receiver, but a Giver; no Ange can merit of him in Commutative Jutice. be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the tea' 3 and it But we mutt be Pro/table to one another, and P our (elves, by improving God's Mercies: And lhould obey you.- Christ fo loveth his own, as that he will reward 6. If your Faith be true, though but (mall, this, as if is profited himfelf. no difficulty fhall prevail againft it, nor any Miracle be too hard, when God by his Spirit r r. And it came to pafs, as he !hail move you to it, who will be the chuler of went to Jerufalem, that he palled Miracles. through the midi' of Samaria and 7. But which of you having a Galilee. r 2. And as he entred into fervant plowing, or feeding cattle, a certain village, there met bin, will fayunto him, byand by, when ten men that were lepers, which he is come from the field, Go, and flood afar off : 13. And they lift- fit down to meat ? 8. And will not ed up their voices, and Paid, Jefus rather fay unto him, Make ready Matter, have mercy on us. 14. And wherewith Imay fup, and gird thy when he faw them, he Paid unto feif, and ferve me till I have eaten them, Go thew your (elves unto and drunken ; and afterward thou the priefts. And it came to pats, fhalt eat and drink ? 9. Doth he that as they went, they were clean- thank that fervant becaufe he did fed. the things that were commanded ir, L2, 13, 14. Note; He intimated there. him ? I trow not. ro.. So likewife by a purpofe to heal them : (And he bid them ufe the ill-called corrupt Priefts.) But who- ye, when ye fhall have done all therhe Pent them to the Priefts as thofe than thole things which are commanded were to judge of Leprofies befare the cleanfrng, you, fay, We are unprofitable fer- or co mew that they were cleanfed, is doubt- ful; though the firft teems to me mole pro- bable. vants : we have done that which was our duty to do. y, 8, 9, ro. But fee that neither your Faith nor Miracles puff you up, or make you think too highly of your felves : Nor mutt you defhre it to make you eonfpicuous in the World, but for your Matter's Service, which is your duty, and by which you mutt not think that you are profitableto him, but obe- dient to him for your own and other mens good. If you have Servants your felvea, you will not let them prefer thmfelves and their own interest, before you and your com- mands : So you, when you have preacht and cult out Devils , and done your belt, think not that'you have profited God, and thereby deferve to be dignified for the merit of your work; but fay, we did but our dury. and the privilege and benefit is our own and others. Nate, t. it's hard to Analizo Luke's words, becaufe it is uncertainwhen he lets them to- gether that were ípoken together; and when he joyneth words ípoken on divers oeca- fions. 2. When Christ judgeth the unprofrable Servant to utter darknefi, and yet here call- eth all unprofitable; the fenfe is that ro man can add any thing to God, or profit him ; r5. And one of them, when he few 'that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God, r 6. And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks : and he was a Samaritan. IS, 16. He judged it no breach of Chaff's command to return fiefs to him, and glorifie God, andgive him thanks. r7. And Jefus anfwering laid. Were there not ten cleanfed ? but where are the nine ? 18. There are not found that returned to give glory to God, fave this Bran- ger. 17, t B. This one man, accounted a Here- tick by the Jews, is the only man of Ten that .returneth to glorifie God for his Cure. Note ; Many receive Mercies, but few glo- rifie God with true thankfgiving. 19. And he laid unto him, Arife, go