Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. ß.2. Chrifi's Agony: St. Luke. 7utlas betrxyeth him. Ch.2,2, vide for you f,r my fake : But now r am to be deep ye ? rife and pray, left ye en- crucified and fcorned as a tranfgreff r, they ter into temptation. will all() caft you off ; therefore now look for hardWage, and nìodetately provide for your 45> 46. N. We are art to f1 ep when we felves. 38. Ana they fail, Lord;behold, need to be awakened. h are two fwords. And he laid 47 And while heyet fpake, be- ere them; It is enough. hold a multitude, and he that was unto d not mean xh:r you fhouldnaw fight called Judas,oneof the twelve,went 38. 1 forme, but that you take care of your fafety, before them,and drew near unto. e- 39 And hecaiíhe our,and went,as fus, to kifs him. 48. But Jefus laid he waswont,to the mountofQlives; unto him, Judas, betrayeft thou the 'and his difciples .alto followed him. Son of Manwith a kifs ? 39. It Seems hoofed there to lodge out of 47; 4$. N. God permitted one fonearChrift doors On the ground;andhis Diteiples with him, to betray him, to warnús how far to expel} e- 4o.And when he was at the place, vil from our profeffed friends he laid unto them, Pray that yeen,. 49 When they which were a- ter not into temptation. bouthim, faw what would follow; 40 Prayer is the way both to efcàpeTem- they Paid untohim, Lord, fhall we ptation, and in it to overcome. finite with the fword ? 5 0. Andone 41. And he Was withdrawn from of them fmote the fervant of the them about a ftone's caftland kneel- high prieft,and cut off his right ear, ed-down and prayed, 4=. Saying, 49.50; Self-defence is natural; but GoePs Father, ifthou be willing, remove Tawmuff rule it; Theywere the more put to this cup from me neverthelefs; not fly, becaufe they had refitted, mywill, but thine be done. 5 r. And Jefus anfwered and laid; Suffer ye thus far. And he touched have molt need to watch and pray, and have 41 , 42. N. For Chrift, io the lrftall; by a Pimple Nolition to he unwilling to fuffer,:va.s no his ear and healedhim. fin, nor refitting God but the property ofHu- 51, N. This Miracle, wrought for one that AweNaturei But ifhe had been averfein the came to deftroy him, neither meltednor comparativeaa, called Eleetion;when he hinted hardened ¡inners, evil it was God's 4ví11; this would have been 5 z. ThenJefus Paid tinto the chief 43. And there appeared an angel priefts, and captains ofthe temple; unto nhim from heaven; ftrengthning aril t Be lder whi olutlas againft to 43. N, Had Chrift, as Man, need ofanAm thief; with fwords and ftaves ? tel's ftrengthaing? What need then have we 53. WhenI Was daily with you in in the approachofdeath and great ruffringsì the temple; è ftretched forth no And And not beingpnanagony, he hands againft me -: but this is your prayed more eárneftly : and his hour, and the power of darknefs. fweat was as it were great drops of 52; 53. This is the time which God hash rained Satan to make lifeof you his Inftrti- blood falling down to the ground. ments againft me, and the Prince ofdarknefs 44. N. This was not from the fear ofdeath, will feem to conquer. but thedeepfenfe of God's wrath againft fin, 54. Then took theyhim-and led Which he,as ourSacrifice;was tobear, in greater pain thanmoor dying; which his Servants oft 11273, and brought him into the high bear with peace. prieft's houfe. And Peter followed 45. And when he rote up from afar off. 5 5. And when they had prayer, and was cometo hisdifci- - kindleda fire inthe midft of thehall, pies, he föund them fleepingfor for- and were let down together, Peter row, 46, And Paid unto them,Why fat down among them. 56. But a N a certaii8