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Ch. 3. Yoh?) preacheth. St. Matthew. Yohnpreacheth. Ch. 3 Herb fo called, but molt, a fort ofFlieslike vanceyou, for being the carnal feed of A great Grafhoppers that devour all green braham, ifyou have not the Faith and Ho- things,) and wild Hony. linefs of ..lbraham : If you be wicked unbe- Note, Thothe Friers and Hermits, by fu- lievers, God will raft you off, tho' Abra perftitious overvaluing fuck aufterities, have ham was your Father; and can of the Gen- tempted others to defpire them, yet God tiles (or the veryBones) raife up fuch as Thal approved of Yakss fignification of his con- be bleft as .Abrahams believing feed. temptof the World and flefhly pleafures by ro. And now alto theAx is lail filchabating of thefled. And other men s unto the root ofthe trees : there- Superftition or Hypocrifhe, will not excufè fore every Tree which brin eth mens fuperfluity, or accule mortification. not forth good g s. Then went out tohim Jeru- fruit, is hewn falem, and all Judea, and all the down, and rail into the fire. Region round aboutJordan, 6.And r °' The Mega!) comethwith falvation to torn, and judgment to others: he layeth were baptized of him in Jordan, the Ax to the root, to cut down all of you confelling their fins. that bring not forth the fruit of true faith 5. So glad were the people to hear that and repentance, andwill caß Poch into the the Kingdom of the Meal was at hand, fire of temporal and eternal punifhment. that they all flockt to him tobe baptized, a r. I indeed baptize you with profeffmg repentance,that theymight be pre- water unto repentance : But he that pared forthe Kingdom. cometh after me, is mightier than Note, I. We grant that Baptifm then was wailing the whole Body : And did not I, whofe !hoes I am not worthy the differences of our cold Country as to to bear : he !hall baptize you with that hot one, teach us to remember [I will the Holy Ghoft and with fire. have mercy and notfacrifeel it Mould be fo r r. I do but baptize you preparatorily here. 2. Tho' many fay Sohn s Baptifm and with water to repentance : But he that is Chrift'swere all one, it'seafie to prove, that coming after me, is mightier than I, whore wereany now baptizedbut with yohn's Bap- miles I am not worthy to bear: He (hall thin, yeought to be baptized again, in the baptizenot only with water, but with the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, pouring out ofhis Spirit on Believers, and on the profeffion ofmany Articles of the with that fiery tryal, which (hall refine the Creed which Yoh), required not, gold, the faithful, but feparate the drofs, 7. But when he taw many of and deftroy the rebellious unbelievers. thePharifees and Sadducees come r 2. Whole fan is in his hand, tohis Baptifin, he laid unto them, and he will throughly purge his O generation of vipers, who hath floor, and gather his Wheat into warned you to flee from the wrath the garner : but he will burn up to come. 8. Bring forth therefore the chair with unquenchable fire. fruits meet for repentance. 52. He will winnow and throughly fe.. 7. Knowing what theft Pharifees and. Parare the Wheat from the Chaff, the Faith Sadducees were, he laid, O Generation of ful from the Rebellious, andwill gather the Vipers, Are you aware indeed that wrath faithful into his heavenly Kingdom, and in- is comingupon you ? And doyou thinkthat to his Church in order hereto , but he will the Mefï'iahwill indulgeyour Sin, and come burn the Unbelievers and unperfwadable as to promote your carnal Intereft ? If you chaff, and that with deftru&ion here, and profefs repentance, and would have part in unquenchable fire hereafter. the Kingdom of the Meffiah, refolve againft r 3. Then comethJefus from Ga, your fins, and live in that righteoufnefa lilee to Jordan unto John, to be and holinefa which is the fruit of true repen- baptized of him. r t. But John g. And think not to fay within forbad him , laying, I have need to bebaptized ofthee, and co your felves, we have Abraham to met pur Father : For I fay unto you, thou to me ? Thàt God is able of theft ftones to 13, 54. Note, Chrift was not baptized to the fame ends as other men. He had no fins raife up children untoAbraham, to repent of, nor Saviour to receive, bd as 9. Think not that the Mefiiah will ad the General, will wear the fame Colours 13 ä with