Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

A Poifcript. 1. That which no Church of Chrift under flood or own'd for Six huts. dred or a Thoufand Years after thrift, and which fuch excellent Men as Bafil, Chryfoflome, Augujline, &c. and fuck Reformers as Calvin, profefs'd that they underftood not, (and about which the moll fludious confi- dent Expofttons greatly differ) it is not to be judg'd necelfary to be now underflood and own'd for the meafure of our Faith and Love to others. But fuch are the Expofitions ofthe Revelations, which are now doubted of, Ergo, &c. 2. That which the generality of Godly Chriftians underfland not, but mull take upon the bare credit of their Teachers, (who moftly underflood it not themfelves, and the reft fo differ, that four Men being of three Opinions, molt mutt needs be in the wrong) is not to be taken as the meafure ofour Orthodoxnefs or Love to others. But fuch are the Expo- fitions now quefiion'd, Ergo, S. That which tendeth to the hardning and confirming of Papifls (and encreafing therage of the cruel part of them) is not to be obtruded on all Godly People, as a neceflary means againfl then. But fo doth the laying the Proteflant caufe upon thrfe doubtful difpu- table Expofitions of theRevelations (while we have the Creed and Com- mandments, and all the plain Scripture, to try Mens Faith and Praftice by.) Ergo, 4. It is very dangerous today fo great a firefs on Mens Opinions of things, which they can take but upon truft from their difagreeing Teach- ers, when if they fhould prove wrong, it will involve them in the guilt of unchriflian difaffeftion to many Ages, Kingdoms, and millionsof Chri- ftians, and finful Difcord, and falfe Deliires and Prayers to God, and run- ning into many finful Extreams. But this is the cafe in gneflion : Where I am not fure of many mens Expofition of the Revelations, I am fure that God is Love, and he that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in God, andGod in him ; and he that hateth his Brother is a Man(layer, and no thanflayer bath eter- nal life abiding in him ; and he is a Liar that faith he loveth God, and loveth not his Brother. And a Man's Soul muff not be ventur'd on fuch Sin as this, by doubtful Opinions of Traditions. Incomparable David Blondel bore very great cenfure of his Brethren, for confuting the Fable of Pope Doane, andyet did thereby good fervice to the Reformed, and none to Po- pery; nor are the learned Readers now angry with him. Reader, if thgtu cenfure me for faying all this, know that the prefent clamour (and confequently, neceffity) of many againft my Boók before they faw it, did extort it from ALover of Truth, Love, andBeneficence, and a Hater of Falfhoed, Malignity, and Flurtfulnefs. N,r.