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Ch. 24. Chrifl'sprophetic St. Matthew. of the end. Ch. 74. parch, and declaring himfelf King, and reign- ing accordingly. And ;. By the End of the World, whether they meant the utter Deflati- on at laft, or the End of the unreformed Age or World, which his Kingdom Should over- throw, I amnot certain. And though Chrift donot prefently blame their mif=expeerations, his Anfwers approve them not, but tend to re- aifie them . 4. And Jefus anfwered and faid unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. S: For many (hall come in my name , laying , I am Chrift : and (hall deceive many. 4, S. k's true that this Temple Shall be de- ftroy'd, and my Kingdom (hall be let up, and the world of Enemies be fubdued, (and that ofnature be diffolved.) But for your queftion ofthe time, let me tirft admonifh you to be fortified by Patience and Faith, againft many Deceivers, that will for try-al be permitted tó pretend, that not I, butthey arethe true Mef(r ah : (filch were Simcm, DiJitheas, Tnendas,) and look not for a vifibie Monarch. 6. And ye (hall hear of wars and rumours of wars: fee that ye be not troubled : for all thefe things mu$ come to pals, but the end is not yet. 6. There will be fearful Commotions, Ri- fings, and Wars, before thefe things come to pals ; Let not that dihurb you. 7. For nation fhall rife againft na- tion, and kingdom againft kingdom: and there (hall he famines, and pe- nile/ices, and earthquakes in divers places. 8. All thefe are the begin- ning offurrows. 7, a. Wars by (edition among your !elves, and Wars ofother Natinns,with other Plagues, and Commotions, andSigns, Shall be but tore- runners of that forrowful time. 9. Then (hall they deliver you up to be alitled, and !hall kill you: and ye (hall be hated ofall nations for my name's fake. 9. And before that day foreknow what Shall befal your felves : Perfecution, Murder, and commonhatred, for my Name fake. Io. And then Shall many be of- fended, and (hall betray one another, and (hall hate one another. to. And the temptations of chofe days (hall prevail againft many that profeffed Faith, and ¡hallpervert them, and draw them to betray, and hate my true Difciples, and Sitew their un- faithfulnefs. '1 e. And many falfe prophets fhall rife, and !hall deceive many. rr. And- many that make themfelves the Matters ofSeas andHerefres, !hall pretend In- fpirarion and Revelation for Lyes, and pernici- ous Dofirines ; and many Shall bedeceived and follow them. na. And becaufe iniquity (hall a- bound, the love of many fhall Wax cold. rz. And iniquity Shall Co far abound, both in the World allàulring the church, and in the declining ofChurch Members (by Worldlinefs. Flefhlidefs, Pride, and Herefie,) that the firß fervou s ofChri(tianLove (hall be abated. I 3: But he that !hall endure unto the end, the rame (hall be laved. r3. But he that overcometh rhefe Tempta- tions, and keepethhis Integrity, and per(èver- eth in his Fidelity, Shall attain the end of his Faith andbe favrd. 14. And this gofpel of the king- dom Shall be preached in all the world for a witnefs untoall nations, and then (hall the end come. 54. And the yews driving you away by Per-. ftcution, you Shall preach the Gofpcl to the Heathen Nations; who by receiving it Shall con- demn the yews : And then fhall come the de- folationof theft. State, and the, ending of their Law andPolicy. n5. When ye therefore fhall fee the abomination of defolation, fpo- ken of by Daniel the prophet, Rand in the holy place, (whofo readeth lit him underftand,) r6. Then let them which be in Judea, flee into the mountains. r 7. Let himwhich is on the houle-top not come down to take any thing out of his houle : 18. Neitherlet him which is in the field return back to tape his clothes. rs, 16, 17, 18. When ye fee die- defolating Heathen Army come to ale their force and vio- lence againft the fàcred Place of the Yews, an- firedog thatwhich Daniel faith ofothers, then flay net but be gone, and be glad if by Flight you can fave your Lives, but Stay not to fave your Goods or Cloches. 19. And wo unto them that are with child, and to them that give fuck in thole days. 19. And they that are made flow by impe- diments ofchildren, be. are like to lofe their Lives. ao. But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the fabbath day, ,s no. Lt will increafe the calamity of your I'-2 Flight