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Ch. 24. Chrif7s St. Matthew. coming. Ch.24. his chofen out of the World, into his Church 3 37; 38 ;39. M in the clays of Noe they M others, [By c-nffantine and Chriftian Pow- would not believe their danger till it furpriz ere, he (hall through all the Empire let Chri- ed them, but he'd prei imptuoufly in their ftians in Honour and Power over the Heath us 7 Belly pleafure, and worldly bufinefs : to will Mothers , literally, [He (hall at his appearing, it be with Sinners at my Coming; (Both at the and ]cdgment, fend his Angels, and gather daftru&icn of ;erufalem, and at the day of all his Elea to himfelf. Judgment) 32. Now learn a parable of the 40. Then (hall two be in the fig-tree : when his branch is yet field, the one fhall be taken and the tender, and putteth forthleaves, ye other left. 41. Two women (hall be know that Summer is nigh : 3 3. grinding at the mill, the one (ball .So-likewife ye, when ye fhall fee all be taken, and the other left. thefe things, know that it is near, 40, 41. [Then 1 will manifeft my di(tinguilb even at the doors. ing Providence : One, that is. a Believer ih al ;z, 3;. By the fimilitude of the Fig tree, I be taken to me, and be raved; and the other left to delufion, and deftru&io hell you, that there mutt be time for there n. in unbelief. Changes; but when ye fee the beginning of Nate, The difficulty of moil of thefe fore- thefe Signs, know that the accomplithment going Texts, forbids me to be peremptory in is not far off. determining, whether they Make only of the 34. Verily I fay unto you, This deftrnétion of ye,afalem , (as i D4ark, the Qteftion feemethto intimate; (Or al(ò of the generation shall not pafs , till all End of the,World, (as Ibme words in the An. there things be fulfilled. 35.1-lea- Ewer feem to intimate.) And I incline to yen and earth (hall pats away, but think, that as the Types and Prophefìes of the ;my words fhall not pafs away. Old Tet amen(, fpake proximately of the 34.35. As Come, [Some yet alive, (hall fee things and perinsTypifying, but remotely and chiefly therebyofChri(!, a all fulfilled that I have hitherto fpoken; that nd things Typifyed: fo thefe Texts (peak, is, Only of the Deitru&lost of erufalem.) drib of the deftruction As others, [That part that I have fpoken of of 7erufalem ; and next of the Calling of the felem, fore alive (hall Gentiles, and Catholick Church; but thereby the Deftru &ion of 3eru fee) ( was but 38 years after.) As finallyand chiefly, of the End of the World : others, [Come yetalive (half fee the beginning As if Chri,( laid, As it will be here now, fo of the performance of all that I have laid, it will be then, parnbollically. and the reft will follow ; . and a Thoufand 42. Watch therefore, for yeknow years with the Lord, is butas one Day.] not what hour your Lord dota When Heaven and Earth paflith away, you come, (halt fee, that my word is all fulfilled: They 42. This therefore is the necefTry wifdotn /hall fee the Catholick Church. of all, to be as men on their watch, never a- 36. ; But of that day and hour fleep, or ntindlef,; but always ready, ea ex- knoweth no man, no not the angels petting the coming of your toed: And then. of heaven, but my Fathér only. though you underhand not ail C:rcumftancts 36. Theday and hour of the yews Defixu_ beforehand, you finis belife. &ion, fay (orne, of the End of the World, 43. But know this, that if the fay others; none knows butGod, good man of the hoof had known thered, Note, t. Whence the ancient Knowledge, ge, an what watch the thiefwouldcome, er that Chrift hada two-fold .v (Winona Operation.) One Humane and fin he would have watched, and would perfect, the other Divine and Perfect: 2. An- not have ib fered his houfe to be gels may increafe in the days Noe were, brokenup. y.g. Therefore be ye al- 3 fo ready : for in fuch an hour as fo (hall allo the coming of the Son you think nor, the Son of man co- of man be. 38. For as in the days meth. that were before the loud, they 43, 44, Seeing .men will watch ¡Taint] `a wereeating and drinking, marrying, Thief, if MI, knew when he would come, and givin in marriage, until the watch you for the preventing of (ùrpríze, be- day that OC entred into the ark. chafe you know not, but it may prefently be 39. And knew not until the loud the time; and it murk be a continual readinefs that malt beyour faf. ty s not only as tó the de- earne,and took them all away; fo (hall ftruttion of fcrafalem, but as to every min's allo the comingof the Son ofman be. F 3