Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

174 eix PowManz famfíp ?Book. ofSaints, where all Gods ordinances muft be your helps for the daily exercife of all thefe graces and delights. Andyour chiefeft e xercifes of piety muft be Hearing thefe glad tidings in the Gofpel opened to you' ; Begging for more Grace ; Joyful Thankfgiving for all thefe mercies ; Singing forth and fpeaking the Praifes of ye- hovah and with Joy and thankfulnefs, feafting upon Chriffs flefh,and blood,and fpirit in the Sacrament there- of, and there, in the renewing of this your Covenant, receiving arenewed fealed pardon, and new degrees of life and ftrength. Tell me now what trouble is in all this ? that a man fhould be afraid or, weary of it ? Unlefs you take it for a trouble to be fate and happy, to have the greateft mercies, the greateft hopes, and to live in the Love of your deareft friend, and in the foretaftes of everlafting joyes. In a word, Godlinefs is profitable toall things, having the prom-fe of the life that now is, and of that which is to come, i Tim.4.7 S. You tell me of another kind of Godlinefs than I thought of. And 1was the more afraid it had been melancholy tedious life, becaufe Ifaw many that profof- fed it, live fo. P. I told you the reafons of that before, which I muft not repeat. And moreover to yaung beginners, that come new out of another kind of life, and whofe fouls be not by grace yet fuited to the work, it may feem ftrange and troublefome. And the truth is, Many con- verts in the beginning are moved at a Sermon, and Rifle their own convic`Ìions, and open not their cafe to their Teachers, or elfe fall not into the hands of a Judicious Guide, who will clearlyopen to them the true Nature of C9nverfion ; And fo they fet on they know not well what : Whichmaketh me lay all thefe matters fo plainly