Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

'1UCPoo? Mangy JfamitpMobil. 7 S plainly and diftin&ly before you. Becaufe it will be a wonderful prevention ofyour troubles and dangers aft ter, ifyou do but fet out well inftru&ed in the begin- ning. But the worft and common caufeofall is, that people are fo 'exceeding Ignorant and dull (together with their undifpofednefs) that one mutt be whole months if not years, before we can make them underftand thefe few plain thingswhich here I have opened to you. But yet wemuff take up with a dark andgeneral underfland- ing rather than delay too long, or be too brill. with them. S. 1 thank,Godfor your Counfel and his Grace : 1 amRefolved, and ready tofubfcribe my Refolution, to be the Lords entirely upon his Covenant terms. P. I will go home with you to your houfe, and I will try whether you and I can inflru& all your family that need ir, and bring them to the fameRefolution. For as it is your duty to endeavour it, fo God ufeth to biefs his believing fervants, with the Converfion of their houfholds with them ; As the cafe of the Yaylor and Lydia, A&. 16. Zacheau, Stephantu and others Phew us : You 'hall therefore delay your open profeffion of your Refolved Converfion till you do it in the pretence of them all. And it will be a great mercy to you, if God give you but a family willing to go along with you in theway to Heaven ; and daily to worfhip the fame God and obey him. Then your houle will be part of the family of God, and under his continual bleßîng and prote&ion - - ("Here Paul goeth " home with Saul, and openeth fuck things to his fami- `4 ly as he did to hire, and convinceth them : and they " pramife him to take time, as Saul did, to learn the true knotted;e.ofihe -C-o enant of Grace, that fo they