Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

3 SIRPp?@)ano famitp 'Zook. lancholy, when men by affliction or conviction cry out of the vanity of this world, and fet not their hearts upon a better, and feçk not after the heavenly feli- city. 4. True Repentance is afetledand aneffethtal change: It maketh a man(b)love that which is Good as if it were nownatural to him,and not only to do force good for fear, which he had rather Leave undone nor only to forbear fomet fins for fear, which he had rather he might keep. And therefore thevery Heart and Love being changed, Temptations, even the fame that be- fore prevailed, would not now prevail again, if he were under them. It is but a Counterfeit Repentance, when men are lorry for finning but amend not ; or are lorry to day and fin again to morrow, and that by fuch grofs and wilful fin, which they might (c) for fake if they were truly willing. By this time then you may try whether you have Repented indeed as you fup- pofed; S. But Lkk, 17.4. chrifi bids iufogrive thole 'that feven times_ ina day trefpafs, and feven times in a d iy return and fay they Repent. And will not, God then dofo? P. r. Chrift fpeaketh oíT'rue Repentance, as far as we can jud e, and not of Paying I Repent, when it is an apparent lie or mockery-: 2. And he fpeaketh of fuchTrelpaffes, the oft committing of which is confi- ftent with true.Repentance. For infïance ., it is poilible that a man may feven times a day think a vain thoiaght,or (peak a vain word, or if he pray feven times a day, (h) Pfal. r.2, 3. Pfal. z t , G:"c : P;ral, 19, 7 8,9 (£) c* 2k[at.7.2o,,2I,22,23, zIira;.2.a9. he