Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

The LIEE of the LIS.I all Canon4Fal Obedience)-without andbetide any Legal Indutlion or Admifflon, may not be re- putedas Intrudersand falf Shepherds ? - xx. Whether it bad not been an excellent part of CbrifianPerfection, rather io endure pafftveÿ lof ofLiberty, Efate, and even of Life it felffor the maintenance and defence of the yuf and Legal Rights invefed in the Church, and the Bifhops it's Superintendent Pa- fors, and the Liturgyand Serviceof theChurch, than carnally for Self- interef and Endi, to comply and febmit even againf their knowingConftenter, to a violent and weer prevail- ing power andforce in theabolifhingof Epifcopal Poveri and the daily Prayers and Service aid in the Church ? xz. Whether allfucb Perf000 be not guilty ofSohifmand of Seandalgiven, whichCoen- inunicateand be prefent inflab Minifters Congregations and Afniblies, whether in Church or inprivate Meetings,. to bear their Prayers or Sermons, orreceive their Sacraments accord- ing to the now-prefentmode and.form,moreef)ecialy in the participationwith them in the Sa- crament of the Eucharift ? Or bowfar may agood Chriftian Communicate with fuch with- out jilt Scandal given or taken ? z3. Whether it be lawful andjuf for any Orthodox Mini/ter or Epifcoparian to accept of any Benefice withCure of Souls, as the fate of the Englifh Church now fandetb vfble and ruling, without guilt of Schifm by compliance to their Form ? 14. Whether as theCondition of the prefent Church of England is, TheMinìfers there- ofmay not legally, andfo jellifably, exercifè and ufeagainf the late Liturgy of the Church, there being nòStatute Law prohibiting the fame ? Andwhether thofe that continue the Ob- fervateenof the late Diretlory be not perturbera of the Peace.. of the Church , eeeially Pee the limitation of trial by a pretendedLegality and Commandfor. its obfervance , is expired and not reconfirmed. xi.. Whether the old7ewifh Church had not fit Forms ofPrayer ? whether St. John the Baptiîl our Saviour's Preecurfor, andour bleedSaviour bimfelf, taught not their Difciples fit -Forms ofPrayers, and whetherthe ChrifianChurch (elpecially face the time of Peace from the violence of Heatbeni(b Perfecution) had not, nor generallystied fee Forms ofPray- er? Aridwhether theMinifters now ex tempore Prayers in the Church, be not as well a let Formof Prayers to the Auditors, whofe Spirits are therein bounded as any fit Formof Prayer, reefed in the Church ? 16. Whether maya Cbrifian, without Scandalgiven, appear to be a Godfather or God- mother-to a-Ehiledin theft. NewrAjmblies, where the Minifter ufeth he own Ditates and Prayers, and not of the ancient Liturgy, except she Words of Baptifm, I 'Baptize thee ( A. B,) in the Name'Of the Father,-ác. 17. Whether any Supream Earthly Power or Powers Spiritual or Temporal, joint orfa- pirate, can alienate and convert tó fecular ufès'er imployments any Hordes, Lands, Goods, or Things once devoted, offered and dedicated to God and bis Çbareb, without grand Sacri- ledgeandProphanenefl; although by Corruption. ofPer/ins and Times they have been either fuperfitioufy abated, or too propbanely employed, but rather to reduce tbemto their primitive Ufeand Donation? x8. Whether the ancient Falling Days of the Weekand FeFlivats of the Church, fitted bothby Provincial Synods in the Tear y56z. and t640. andconfirmed by the then Regal Power, and alfo by feveral Statutes and Laws, ought not by allperfns-in Coufcience to be fill obferved, until they be abrogated by the like Powers again ? or bow far the Liberty of Confidence thereinmay be ufed in obferving or not obferving them? the like.for the ufage of the Crofin Baptifm, and the bumble pot-lure of Kneeling atthe receiving of the Hefei' Sa- crament of the Lords Supper? xq. Which way offeeurity andpeace of Confeience may a quiet Cbrifian order and diflrefe himfelf, bei Wife, Children and Family in bis Duty and Service towards God, and enjoy the right aft andbenefit of the Sacraments andother holy Duties, as long as that part: of the'Catbolick Churchwherein be lives , is under perfecutian, anet.tbe vifble Rulin5 Church therein isfain Schifinetical, ifnot inmany particulars Heretical? April zoth, e65g May