Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696


Reli q ui Baxterianæ : 0 R, Mr: RICHARD BAXTER's NAR.R ATIVE, O F The molt MemorablePaflages O F H I S LIFE A N D TIMES. Faithfully Publith'd from his own Original Manufcript, By MATTHEW SYLIVESTER, Mihi guidon nulli fatis Eruditi videntur quibuc nofira ignota fuut. Cie.. de Finib. lib. t. Quibus [ergio ] rellè dem non prætermittam---- . Sic babeto, me, cam illo re frepe coma: micat8, de ìdius ad tefententiJ arque authoritateScrihere Cic. Epif. 7. ad Lentul. Lib. a. LONDON: Printed for T. Par(hur/l , 5. Robinfon, 5. Lawrence, andy. Dunton. MDC XCVI.

SMC- , ACC. No CLAS No. In' 41.LA CAT. t9) I ..OECK PUSLA_. LI RA, ES SMETHWICK PUNLIC LI3RAMES PRESENT Y B.N44.17 'RA& .11601.1 (B, 4.11c .)

T O Mir T H E RIGHT WORSHIPFUL SirHenryA[hhuffBari SIR, Am not a little f nfble of thegreat Obligations you laidupon the Reverend Authorofthis following Nar rative, of fwhich neither was his Senfefmall. 'Tis well known to me and others, howgreat a Veneration he hadforyour decea/ed Father, whom he took to be one of the livelie.Ft Inflances and Emblems ofPrimitiveChrilli- anity that ever he was acquainted with. Neither am I ignorant of the verygreat ReJbeCls he delrvedly bore to your Selfand Family. The remembrance ofyour f firm and generous adhe rence to him, in the Day of his Trial and Dijirefi, feems to me greatly to ju/lifie your Title to the Dedicationof this Accountofthe Perfon andLabours whichyoufo greatlyva lued, fo publickly own'd. He took your refolute Appearance for him, as a delightful demonFlration ofyourgreat Re fiefis to his great MaFler, andfor the fame MaFler's fake unto himfelf. He ventur'd his Allfor God, andyou expos'dyour Selffor him,to the feverely tryingEntertain ments which he met with in open Court, from Men of Place and Figure in that Day ; wherein their indecent Carriages refleCledgreat Honour both on him andyou, tho' not a little D(reputation was thereby contrafled to them felves. Had not the Reverend Author plac'dgreat Confidence inyou, fogreat a Truff as his laß Will andiellament re- pos'd in you, hadnever beenyour Lot. To be Executor to two 'itch Excellent Perfons, as Mr,Baxter andMr; A 2 Boyle,

The Epiftle Dedicatory. Boyle, fixes great Honour upon your Name, andcan not but ra f great Expectations in the World fromyou, of anfwering that CharaEler which it appears you had ob tain'd, with two Perfons off great Eminence, But (Sir) Give me leave to tellyou, that the Eye of God is uponyou ; and that his Claims and Fxpedations muff be anfwer'd byyou. Menjudge charitably ; but God judges ofus as we are indeed. God cannot be deceiv'd ; Men may, Pardon me, ifI add what he once Paid to me concerning my ownPelf; sir, I think I know you, but I am not fure I do. The Word came dole to me and it maypoffibly be of ufe toyou : it may awaen us both in timately to confider, to whofe judgment we all must hand. `The Lord fulfil inyou andyour hopeful Mite , all the goodpleafure ofhis Goodnef, and the Workof Faith, La bour of Love, and Patience ofHope with power, fo as to heightenand compleat your Faithfùlnef and Figure inyour Generation: This is the Prayer and Hope of, Right Wor(hipful, Yours Humbly, Thankfully and faithfully, in the bell Services, and fallen Bonds, whilft MATT. SYLVESTER:

T H E PREFACE T O T H E READER. § L IAmvery fYenfrble that this Memorial of Mr. Baxter, and his Hiftorical Ac - counts of the Times which went overhim, have been long expected and much defired by the World. And the greater the impatience, the more feverely the delay is like to be refented. But he that well confiders, r. How confufedly a great quantity of loofe Papers relating thereunro,cameinto my hands ; allwhichwere to be forced and reduced to their proper places. z. How much other work was then incumbenton me. ;. How little my indifpofed and weak hand can write ; (not an OP avo page in a competently great charaéter inad hour). 4.How many uncomfortable Providenceshave linediverted me ; and could not but do fo. r.How much time the orderly difpofal of his bequeathed Library to young poor Students; according to his Injunétions on me, took up. 6.1-Iowmuch time my Minifterial Work required ; together with the unavoidable removal of my Habitation and Meeting Place, and the Setling of my Congregation thereupon: He that (I fay), well confiders thefe things (andmore that I could fay , were it expe- dient fo long to detain the Reader from the more profitable and delightful Enter- tainment of the Book it Pelf) will at leali abate his Cenfures, if not quite lay them by. However, I muff and (hall fubmit my felt unto what Confiru5tions the Rea der !hall think fit to make of my Apology for its delay folong. § IL As to the Authour of the enfuing Treatife, he appearsPar negocio, as being very Sagacious, Obfervant, Impartial, andFaithful. The Things here treated on were Things tranfaCted in his day, qualm ipfe vìdit ; Et quorum pars magna fuit. Much he-knew and felt, and was himfelf a&ively and paflively concerned in, and the ref: hewas inquifitive after, obfervant of, and acquainted with. And being himfelf an hater of falfe HiRory, he gave the greater heed and diligence to enter into the depths and fpringsofwhat was inhis day upon the Theatre of A&ion. Much he mull be inform'd of by others neceffarily: and yet he was greatly averfefrom the reception of things as true, upon too look reports. He fanned Intelligence, and was not eafily impofed upon, in things ofmoment. Credulity , Raflinefs, Partia- lity, andPerfidioufnefs, Ignorance and Injudicioufnefs do ill become Hiftorians. Quie nefcit, primam hi(toriæ Legem effe, ne quidfalls dicereaudeat ? deinde ne quid veri non audeat ? Nequa fuf(icio gratinfit in fcribendo ? nequarmultatie ? Ora. lib. r r. and he had realòn for this thought to that (as the Lord Bacon well obferves) the Examples ofour aincefiors, theVic Ludes ofAffairs, the Grounds of Civil Prudence, and Mena Names and Reputations do depend upon the Knowledge, the Judieioufnefs and Faithfulnefsof Hiftorians. Diligent Searches, deep and wife Thoughts,faithful Reprefpntations andReports, with honed Intentions, and generous Deigns and Aims at Publick Good, render Mens Hiftories of. Things and Perlons (as influential upon others,) pleafant and advantageous. Every one is not fit to tell theWorld the Hiftoryofhis ownLife and Times : Who f;v'd therein : what Poft and Station, Trull and Buliinefs,was their affigned Province: what Chara6ters theybore through their deportment therein : what were the regentPrinciples, the genuine Spirit, and b main

The `Preface to the Reader. main End and Scope, ofwhat they did : what they pretendedly or really defign'd what was the ConduEt,Tendency and Refult of their Confults and A&ions: where- in they truly failed, and how, and why ? Such things as there call for the greaten Clearnefs, Freedom and Sincerity, Pains and Judgment; and I may add, a great Concernfor"Publicly Good, which is the Ioveliefl Property, and dearefi Symptom of a large and noble Soal. Hinory fhould inform, admonifh innru&, and reclaim, reform, en- courage Men thatread it. And therefore they tiat write it fliould dJa¢ic,tlaBanedr{r, i. e. difcern thingsExcellent , and tholethings in their difference each from other, and in their importanceto the Reader ; and fo take care that nothing doubtful , falte, impertinent, mean, injurious, cloudy, or needlefly provoking or reflecting be expofed to Publick View by them ; nor any thing excef live or defeEtive, as rela- ting to the jun and worthyEnds ofHiftory. The Author of the fubfequent Hifto- ry ( now with God) had anEagle's Eye, an honer Heart, a thoughtful Soul, a fearching and confiderate Spirit, and a concerned frameof Mind to let the prefenc andfucceeding Generations duly know the real and true Rate and iffues of the Oc- currendpsand TranfaRtionsof his Age and Day ; andhow muchJudgment, Truth, and Candour appear in his following Accountsof Things, the Candid and Impar- tial Reader will eafily and quickly be refolved about. Scandals,arifing from Igno- rance and mifreportsof what related to our Church and State greatly affedted his very tender Spirit ; and the removal and prevention of them, and of what Guilt, Calamities and Judgments might or did attend chofe Scandals, was what induced Mr, Baxter to leave Pofterity thisHiftory of his Life and Times. § III. Memorable Perfons, Confultations, A&ions, and Events ( with their refpe&ive Epochs, Succeltions and Periods) are the Subjet Matter of Hinory: Propriety, clearnefs and vigourof Expreflion is what duly andgratefully reprefents the Matter to the Reader. Accurate Method gives advantage to theMemory, as well as fatisfa- &tion to the Judgment. The faithfulnefs, fulnefs, and freedom of relation conci- liates a good Reputation to the Writer by 'its convincing Influences upon the Rea- der's mind ; and thus it powerfully claims and extorts his Submillion to the evident credibility of what he erufes : and the weight and ufefulnefs of the Things rela- ted makes the Reader ferious, and concerned to obferve what he reads : for finding theMatter great, the Expreflion proper and lively, the Current of the Hinoryor- derly and exa&, and the Purpofes and Ends various and important which the Hi- Rory, fubferves, he accordingly values and ufes it as a Treafure. And from thence . heextras fuch Maxims and Principles as may greatly behead him in every Exi- gence, and in everyStation andArticle of Trait and Concern, and Negotiation. Hiftory tellsus who have been upon the Stage, how they came into Bufinefs and Truft, what was the Compafs and Import oftheir Province, what they themfelves therein fignified to others ; and what, others to them ; and what all availed to Po- sterity, and how they went off, andfo what Figure they molt deferv'd to make in the Records''of Time. § 1V. He that well confiders the Natureof Man, his Relation to God,God's governing of Man, and the Condu& of Providencepurfuant to God'sconcerns with Men, and their concerns with him, as allo the Difcipline and Interens of the Holy War with Satan, will readHiftory with a finer Eye and to better purpofe than others can. To covet,endeavour and obtain ability andfurniture from Hiftory, Philology , Divi- nity,erc. tominifter todifcurfive Entertainment, or Self.conceitednefs, Ambition, Preferment, or Reputation with Men, is a defign (when ultimate)fo mean in God's Eye, fo odious and noyfom toothers, when by them difcerned, and lò uncomforta- ble and fatal to our felves when at lan accounted for, as that no wife Man would terminate and center himfelf, or his Studies there. I have feen all forts of Learning differently placed, ufed, and iffued. I can Ray patiently ro fee the Ian Refults of all. I havefeenLearning excellently implanted in a gracious heart : (So it was in Mr. Baxter, and infeveral Prelates, and Conformins and Non-conformifts, and o- thers: it is fo at this day). I have feen it without Grace; or not foevidently un- der the influencesand conduis of Grace,as I have greatly defred it might havebeen : and here what Partiality, Malignity, Fa&ion , Domination, Supercilioufnefs and Inve&fives bath his Hiltory and other Learning miniftred unto ! Indeed fansified Learningbath a lovely Ihow: And the Learning of gracelefs Perfons hash in many lnitances and Evidences greatly befriended God's 'ravel in the Chriftian World. And

The Preface to the Reader. And the Knowledge which couldnot keep fome from doing Mifhief in theWorld, and from their being fitted for Hell, and from drawing others after them thither; hath yet helped others to heavenlinefs andHeaven. But he that well confiders what Man is toGod, and God to Man ; what. an Enemy degenerate Man is to God and himfelf; what a date and frame and pofture of War fin hath put Men into, both againit God, themf Ives, and each other'; what an Enemy Satan is to all, and what advantages Sin gives hit» againit us; and how Chrift is engaged againft Satan for us, as the.Captain of our Salvation ; and how he manages this War by his Spirit, Oracles, Ordinances, Officers,and under -Agents in Church and State, and by the Condu& of Providence Over crowned Heads, Thrones, Senates, Armies , Navies, greater and lefsCommunities, and iinglePerlóns; in all things done by them, for them, or upon them,or agàinf them: how he ufes,and influences the Faculties,ArRi- ons, Projects, Confederacies, and Interefts of Men, by poizing them, changing them, and turning them to his own purpofes and praife: He, I fay, that well attends to thefe things in his Hiflorical Readings and Studies; will (tohis profit and delight) difcern God's Providence in and over the Affairs of Men to be exprelfive of God's Name, miniffring to his avouched purpofes, and a great Teftimony to his Word and Son, and to his Covenant and Servants. § V. And fuch a Perron was the Reverend Author (and inpart the Subjedt Matter) of the fubléquentTreatilè. He was an early Votary to his God : fo early as that he knew not when God engaged him fielt unto himfèlf Andhence he in great ,mea- litres efcaped thofeEvil Habits and Calamities which old Ageordinarily pays to dear . for, though he laments the careleGtefs and intemperance of his heft childilh and youthful days. And if the Reader think it ftrange and mean, that thefe, and fome other paflages inferiorie fubfellsj lhould be inferred amongft fo many things far more confiderable, written by himfelf, and publiflsed by me, I crave leave co reply, r. That Cohfcience is a tender thing, and when awaken'd, it accounts no fin !mall, nor any Calamity below molt ferious Thoughts and fenhble and fmart Refentments, that evidently fprings from the leaft Mifcarriage, which might (andought to) have been prevented. z. That the apprehenfion of approaching Death made him fèverer in hisScrutinies and Refle&ions. ;. That lie thence thought himfelf concerned and bound induty to warn othersagainit all which he thought or found fo very prejudicial to his ownSoul and Body. 4. That as mean paffages as there are tobe found in Ancient andModern Lives and Hillories,: which pats not under rigid.Cen- lures. ç. That the Author wrote this his Hillary, l,barfimer raptim, and it was ra- thera Rhaplody than one'continued Work. So that I hope that the obvious ine- qualities ofStyle and Matter, (or the Defe&s in accuracy of Method ( much more the Errours of the Prefs) will be no fcandal to the ingenuous and candid Readers. 6. And as to my luffering fuch things to be expofed to publick view ; can any Man take it ill, that I give him what Mr. Baxter left with me to this end ? and had I thought to have expunged tome things, and to have altered others ,: I could nor have laid as he hindelf did (in his Preface to the Lord. Chief Juftice Hale's Judg, ment of the Nature of true Religion ) ` I rake it as an intolerable Piaculum to pat any alteringband ofmine to the Writing, of fuch a Man But to pars by this His ferioufnefs in and about the greateft things,and his folicitous care, to fave his own and others Souls, and his great zeal for Holinefs,Truth, Concord and Peace amongft all Chriflians abroad, and in there Kingdoms, made him ( when capable thereof) to mind how Matters flood betwixt God and us; and to enter into the Springs of Publick Affairs and Acîions in Church and State : and to take notice of the Origi- nais, Initruments, Principles, Progrefs, Tra&s, Traverfes, and Refults of Things. How Men were placed, 1pirited, influenced and engaged : and how herein they minilired to the woesor welfare of the Publick, of rhemfelves, and of Pofterity. And very loth he was that all lhould be impofed upon and injured by partial or faire I-Iilfory; and hi become Deceiversor Deceived, and Scandalizers or Scanda- lized. He wellconlidered what a faithful Hilory of his Times might import to alt And hence, having had fuch perte& underftandingof all the Things here treated on, from the firfl, he thought it notemits to write the chiefeft of them in order; that others might know the certainty of things, to the. better inlitution of after Condu& andDeportment: and (if it may yet be) tocall the Guilty of all Parties yet alive, to due Repentance, and Returns to God. hs §VI.

The Preface to the Reader. VI,< The followingHiftory takes a'confiderable compafs ( fromA. 0.1615. to r684) and itWill entertainthe Reader with no fmail variety of ufeful and delightful Matter. I, You have here the Hiftoryof God's early, kind, and e powerful Dealings with him- felf, foas to enprinciple and train him up as a Chriftian : and how God tonch'd and fixed his Soul forhimfeif in Chriftian Bonds. God call that Mantle on him which made his heart to turn and Rand towards him s and be rpoft ambitious o and folicitous about his pardon from, fellowfhip with, devotednefs to, and living with God in the heavenly glory. Then God acquainted him with his natural, de- generate and loft felf, till Chrift by Grace befriended and relieved him. When ma- king towards, and brought to Chrift, he is pre1 ntly and (enfibly engaged inferrer and open War withSatan and his own Leif. And here hisConflióts and Temptations are gradually and wifely ordered him, and lec loofeupon him ; but every way fuit- ed to his ftrength and benefit. His Exercifes were and muff be fuch as (hall put him to deep Thoughts, clofe Studies, ftri t Guards and Watchings, fervent Prayer, and a quick fenfe of the Neceffity of daily help fromHeaven. And Satan is permitted toattack him in all the Articles of his Chriftian Faith, and in the Foundation of his Heavenly Hopes. He was fo feverely urged b,Satan to Atheifm,Scepticifm,In- fidelity, and followed with fuch perplexing Difficulties and amazing Intricacies a- bout both Natural and Revealed Religion, as that he had concerned and earneft breathings after, value of, and refolution for full Satisfaítion about both the Foun- dations and SuperftrsEture of Religion. Slight Studies , precarious though confi- dent Affertions, the Publick Vogue and Suffragesof Men, Worldly Interests, Popu- lar Applaufes, and Fleshly Eafe, could fet no Pints and limitstd his inquihtive Mind and painful .Searches. His Soul ever lay open to Evidence: His Eye was fit* upon the Matter to find out that : he then confidered Words as the fit Portraiétures of Things, and Reprefentations of Humane Apprehenfrons to mutual Information a- bout Thingsand Words. And when heobserved Wordsto be fo equivocal, and of fuch lax, uncertain fence, he was evercareful to give Expreffions their Prix and just Interpretations, and to be clear about the fixed fenceof doubtful Terms. And from theaccuracy of his Judgment, and finenefs of his Thought, and from the impetu- oufnefs of his tiefstes and endeavours to know.Things clearly, orderly and diftinft- ly, aroff that multitude and variety of Diftin,tions, (manywhereof were thought unufual, though I never thought yet any of them u(ele(s and impertinent as impro- ved by him) which ufually accompanied his Difcourfe and Writings. But (tocon- clude this Head) clear knowledge of the Name and Kingdom of God in Chrift, well grounded Faith, lively Hopes, rational Satisfa6tiota about the Safety of his State and Saul, the Soondnefs and due Furnitureof his Inner Man in order to hisfulfilling after God and ChriP,and -an Exemplary Holy Life,an happyDeath,a joyful Refurre- Etion, there were the Pleafure, Ambition and Employment of his Life ; as alfo to be found inChriP,and every way faithful and fruitful tohim.Andby what Instruments, Steps and Methods, God brought him hitherto, this following Account of his, from hisown Pen will tell you: As alfo to what he ever had recourfefor his ownPerfon- alSatisfadion and Redrefs, and how God exercifed and used his Parts and Thoughts herein. You have here the Hifiory of his Minifterial Self God fet upon hisSoul, asone refolv'd to qualifie and anoint it in no ordinary manner, for that Sacred Fun&ion, whereunto ( after many Temptations and Attempts to fix him in fomeother Stati- on and Employment, both from others and himfelf) by the Call and Conduet of his heavenly Mater, he applied and kept himfelfat laB. God throughly made him fire to know the Soul which he had breathed into him, as to its Faculties, Capaci- ties, Worth and Ufefulnefs. God madehim feel and mind that Body wherein this Soul of his was lodged ; and wherein and how far his better Parc might be helped or hinder'd thereby : and the two Worlds whereto both Soul and Body were rela- ted ; and wherewith they were variously concerned. And in this World God fix'd him in fuch a Profpeet of another, as made him intimately and sharply-feel both what, and where, amidst what Circumstances,.anti to what purpofes he here a bode in painful, exercifed and declining Flelh. And all this gave him great Advantages and Inducements to deal more clolèly, skilfully, diligently, andconitantly, and im- portunately with Souls, about their great Concerns. And what a Transcript God made him of what the Apofllefpeaksas to himfelf-nd Timothy, in Col. r.zf --ap. the following History of his Kidderminfler (andother) Labours and Succeffes in the Gofpel, will convince you to great Sarisfaftiox: as allo of what Oppofitions and Deliverances and Prefervations he met with there. And

The l'refäse to the Reader. And you have here fomeTafts.and Informations of his Thoughts and Studies andof his Books and Letters to diversPerlons, of different Stations and Quality, and allo of what Pens and Spiritswrote againft him. Hewas of fuch Repute and Figure in his day, as that many coveted to fee his Face, to hear his Voice , and to receive his Refolutionof weighty Cafes of Confcience propofed to him. And in all this you will find that verifiedof him, which the Lord Bacon hath deliver'd from his Pen, viz. Muck Reading make, Mmfull,: Much Writing make, themjudicious and acute : andmuch Converfatien make, them ready. I have been amazed to fee how ha- ftily he turned over Volumes , how intimately he understood them, howStrangely he retained his Reading,and how pertinently he could ufe it toevery propofed Cafe. Men flayed not long forwhat they wrote to him about: and what he wrote was to great fatisfallionand to the purpofe. He wrote his Books with quick difpatch and never, but when he thought them needful, and his duty then to write them. And when as the Reader well confiders his Apology for his Books hereafter menti- oned, let him but ferioufly weigh what is alledged, and accordingly form, his Cen- lures. His mentioned and recited Cafuiflical Letters afid Books, favour at leaf}of Thought and Pains; and perhaps the Reader's patient and attentive minding of both his mention'd Books and Letters will not be lofs of time and pains. And though through toomuch hafte and heedlefnefs, fome few Efcapes (perhaps Inac- curacies) in the beginning may ditafte his curious eye; yet a very few Pages fol- lowing will yield him better Entertainment. § VII. But the great things which are as the Spiritof this Hiftory, are the Accounts he gives of the Original Springs and Sources of all thefe Revolutions, Diltradions and Difafters which happen'd from the Civil Warsbetwixt King Charles theFirlt, to the Reltoration of Charles the Second, and what was Confèquenc after thereupon to Church andState. And here we Ihall find various and great Occurrences fpringing from different Principles, Tempers and Interefts; direlled to diffetent Ends, and refolved intodifferent Eventsand Iffues. The Hiftorian endeavours to be faithful, candid, and Cenere. Nothing of real ferviceable Truth would he conceal. Nothing but what was influential on, and might, or did affeél the Publick Interefl would he expofe to Publick View. Nothing that might be capable of candid Interpretation or Allay, would he feverely cenfure. Nothing notorioufly criminal, and fatal to the Common Goodwould he patsby without his ju(t Refentntents of it, ,and Severe Reffe&ionson ir. As to his immediate Perfonal acquaintance with, or knowledge of the things reported by hint, I know no further of that, than as he himfelfre- lates. As to what he received from others by Report, how far his Information was true or falle, I know not. Indeed I wrote (with tenderand affe&ionate refpe& and reverence to the Do&ors Name andMemory) to Madam Owen to defire her tofend me what The could, well attelted, in favourof the Doetor, that I might in- fect it in the Margent, whore he is mentioned as having an hand in that Affair at WallingfordHoule ; or that I might expunge that paltage. But this offer being re- jelled with more contempmoufnefs and fmartnefs than my Civility deferred, I had no more todo than to let that pats upon Record; and to rely upon Mr. Baxter's re- port,and the concurrent Teftimonies of fuch as knew the Intreagues ofthofe Times. Yet that httight deal uprightly and upon the fquare, I havemention'd this (though obiter) to teltifiemy Refpels to him with whom I never was but once : but I was treated by him then withvery great Civility indeed. - I cannot deny but it would have been VIII. of great advantage to the acceptablenefs and ufefulnefs of this Book, had it's Reverend Author himfelf reviled, compleated, and corre&ed it, and publilhed it himfelf. I am fare it had mioiftred more abun- dantly tomy fatisfallion : for I neither craved nor expelled fuch aTrull and Lega- cy as his Manufcripts. Nor knew I any thing of this his kind purpofe and will, till two or three days before he dyed. My Heart akes exceedingly at every remem- brance of my incumbent Trull: and at the thoughts of my Account for all at loft. I am deeplyfenfible of my inability for fuch Work ; even to difcouragement, and no (mall Confternation ofSpirit. I want not apprehenfions of thePardon which I Shall need fromGod, and Candour from Men, both which I humblybeg for as up- on the knee. I know the heart and kindnefs and clemency of my God through Je- fus Chrilt : But I know not yet what Men will think, fpeak,- write concerningme. God (peak to Men for me, or give me Grace and Wifdom to bear and to im- prove

The Preface to the Reader. prove their Cenfures and Reflections, if filch th °ngs mult be my Difcipline andLot Quo guifgue eft major magic eft placabilia ira Et faciles motusmensGenerofa capit. Corpora Magnanimo facia ell proflralle Leoni Pugna forum fsnem cumjacet bofts,.babet. At lupus do. tropes inftant Morientìbus urf Et gueecungue minor nobilitate fera.eft.. .. Ovid. Trill. Eleg. iv. However let the Readerbear with me if I attempt to obviate what I apprehend Molt likely forMen to reply and urge upon me,by offering thefe things taferious and impartial Thoughts, relating to a. The Author, z. The Treatife, 3. The Publication, And 4. My felf. FirE the Author. . r. Hewas one who lov'd to fee and let things in their cleareft, andmolf genuine Light ; he well confidered what fort and lize of Evidence and Proof all things were capable of. Matters of Senfe are evident by their due Appulfeson the Sentes. Matters of Doófrinal Truth by Demonllration ; Matters of Hiffory by credible report : and he could confider well how Certainty and Probability differed. Nor was he willing to be impofed upon, or deceived through Prejudice, Lazinefs, Inte- refl, or a faelious Spirit. To fay he never was miftaken ( for undoubtedly he had his Errours and Miffakes, Tome of them rerraded, and publickly acknowledgd by him when difcern'd) is to attribute more tohim, than any meet Man can fay: andmore than any impartial and fevere Student will arrogate to himfelf. I Thal! never call the Retra&anon of a difcovered Errour or Miftake, a Fault; but rather a commendable Excellence : and I judge it better to argue clofely, than bitterly to recriminate or traduce. Truth needs neither Scoff nor Satyr to defend it. z.This made him fo folicitous to leave behindhim filchan Impartial Account of the Hiflory of his Times, andof his own Endeavoursin his place and day to promote Holinefs, Truth and Peace. 3. Hehence obferv'd how thefe great Concerns were either promoted or ob- ftruded ; and by whom. What was amifs, or right, either in himfelf or others, Ó'c. 4. He was concerned to prevent Mifapprehenfions,Prejudice, Cenfures and Scan- dals for time to come ; tocall the Guilty to Repentance; to clear the Innocent,and warn the prefect and fucceeding Generations againif their being fplit upon the like Rocks; to lay all Mifcarriages at their right Doors; and to undeceive Forreiga Churches and Kingdoms, and to deliver them from being impofed on, by falfe Re-, prefentations of our Affairs at home. S. He had an acrimonious pungent Stile indeed, contra&ed by his plain dealing withobltinate Sinners> whirls he told are was much feverer than his Spirit was. He lov'd to give Sins and Sinners what Names might make themfelves and all Men moff fenlible oftheir aggravated Crimes.And yet he was averfe from blackning them more than there was reafonfor in his judgment : and from concluding Men grace- lefs or hopelefs from any particular Mifdemeanoursor Defe&s. 6. He was publick fpirited, and valued not (nor would hebe fwayed by)Parties, Names or Intereffs.HisSoul was drawn out toa greater length, and wrought into a finer temper , than toover -look any thing truly Excellent and Worthy in any one, thoughof a different Charaler and Perfwafion fromhimfelf, as to thingsofa lower Nature,and confiffent with the Spirit and great Defigns of Chriilianity. I have heard him great and copious in his Commendations offeveral Prelates and Conformifts.And ter the Reader pardon me if I tell him the RightReverend the Archbilhop of Canter- bury,Dr.Tenifon,the Reverendprefect Bithops ofWúreofter and Ely,were exprefly men- timed by him to me as Perlons greatly admired, and highly valued by him ; and of theirreadinefs to ferve the Publick Interelf, both Civil and Religious, he told me he doubtednot. And for feveral of their excellent and ufeful Labours, I think my felt (amongftmany others) obliged to bid; God, and thank them ;, though I be unknown to them, and indeed def rvedly below their Notice.) His great Concern and vehement Delirewas for a Commeheofion fit to include all peaceable, ufeful, ütber Perlons. And he thought it not impoflible nor incongruous to fix upon Foun- dations large and flrong enough, fo as to take in all that might fitly contribute to Publick

The Preface to the Reader. publick Welfare, into one good Conftitution and Eftabtifhment. And to my knowledge MAO are animated with the fame Defies. May not the Church of England be moreevidently beautiful, large and fafehereby ? And though Authori- ty has not yet wrought us up to this, I humblyjudge that amicable Converfation amongft thofe that attend our refpe&ive Miniftry, and among us Minifters our feives, Would Phew to all that we are propenfe to Peace and Love, and to mutual Ufefulnefs and Endearments. It feems tomemolt ftráoge and hateful , that diffe- rent Sentiments about difputable Matters, Ihould alienate Affe&ions, banifh Civili- ties of Converfation, and fcarcebe enquired into anddebated about, without !cur- rilous ltefle&ions and enflamed Paffions. Rageand force may produce Hypocrites or Adverfaries, but fcarce ever hearty, feriousConverts : But for Men to be hired, :, cheated, frighted into a Change of Sentiment , is very odd indeed. Truth and Fairhfulnefs are very valuable things ; and to me as worthyof a Commendation in a Conformift, as in aNon-conformiff, 6 vice verfd. Nor lhall i count things bet- teror worfe for the fake of Perfons in whom Imeet with theni. Truth and Good- nefs make Men worthy, but what can they derive from Men ? God bath !hewed them to us in their proper Evidence, fit for Difcovery by impartial Search, and at our peril is it to reje& them : Neither can any Man's Confidence or Paffton,' change their Nature or juftifieour Refufal or Millakes thereof. No wonder then if this Reverend Author be fo impartially free;in both his Narratives and Chara&ers; whilst thePublick lnterelt was fo much in his Eye , and lay fo preffingly on his heart. 7. Whilst fodevoted to the publickgood of Church and State, he obferved Per- fons, enquired into Things, ftudied Expedients, confulted God and Man, to know, what was the likelieft way, to heal the Wounds, and fettle the Peace and Welfare of Church and State: and how to do this regularly and fuccefsfully, was the fond. tous Inqueft and Endeavour ofhis Soul : and if he did miftake his way, it was nor wilfully, butthrough infirmity. 8. But his defeated Expe&ations and Endeavours amid![ thofe many Revolutions' in his time, from which refulted hindrances, neither few nor mean,made himmore ltri&ly to take the Minutes of Proceedings and Events, as they occurred; and fo to make fome fitRemarks thereon. And having thus furnilhed himfelfwith apt Materials and Memoirs, he at laD digefled all into this following Hiftory ; which' you have faithfully from his own Original ; abating fome corrigenda, Some little wordsfupply'd here and there which currente calamo were left out. Some !mall Chafmsto be fill'd up, whereto the current Sence directed us. And in fame Letter,' here infected, not beingby himfelf tranfcribed, the words being fomething lets le.i gible thanothers, they snuff be almoll gueffed at. Though theft were few and no way affeaing the Sence confiderably. And fume Repetitions , through the Au- thor's own forgetfulnefs, left out. But the Hiftory is entirely his, transcribed and publithedas fuch from his own Copy, whichI keepbyme for my own Vindicatiota carefully ; and as a Memorial of himfelf with me. Secondly, As to the Ilif,ory. r. Of what Concern andConfequence the Matter of it is, the patient aná dili- gent and judicious Reader may foon difeern. Weighty things, when fully, credià bly, and impartially related, do readily commend themfelves to the Reader's Ac- ceptation, and they do as readily meet therewith, where Ingenuityy and Candour da prevail. What there things are which the Hillorian mainly infffs upon , may be difcover'd quickly by readingover the Contents thereof; whereto I would refer the Reader. Fielt, Left the fink fleet or two, through their Graphical inaccuracy, fhould be offenfive to him, and fo difcourage his progreffcve Reading: The Hifto- rytakes it's rife indeed à leviufculre,from meaner things ; which (feting the Author feem'd defirous and refolv'd to infert upon Reafons heft known to himfelf) indeed I durit not blot out. Readers ( and Friends to the deceafed) may be of various Appetites and Humours ; and differentThings may have their different Relishes from varioufy difpofed Palates. Why may not Hifories take their Dart fromfmal- ler Matters, and fo proceed togreater ; as well as the material Origination of the Univerfe from its Chaos, and of Humane Bodies from their firli Dult or Seed ? I do indeed profefsmy grief and flume that they efcaped me fo inadvertently, but I was then bereavdof that Compofure in my Thoughts ( through the tremendous Hand of Godupon me otherwife, which I will not now relate) for otherwife my Caution had been greater, and fo, cliche Sheets and other Paffages more correct. I

The Preface to the Reader: I hadneither time nor ftrength to attend the Preis, fo as to infped the Imprefion Ikea by fheet; and thereupon I nulled to the promifed Care of the. Bookfellersa but I found upon review the Errata to be more numerous and groS byfar than ever I expected. But if the Candid Reader will corre& the Errata , as they are ren- der'd corrigible to his view, I (hall think my fell greatly obliged to him. But if the Reader's firft Hiltorical Salute difpleafe him, as being much beneathhis expect- ed Entertainment, one hours reading I hope he will find to be the utmolt -Exer- cife of his Patience, from the meannefs of the Matter at his Entrance into the Book. II. As to the Author'sordering and digeltingof his ownMemoirs, a Rhapfody it now appears s and as to method and equality ofStile, fomewhat below what curious Readers might expeót; yea, and fromwhat it had been, had it but paffed the Author's hiderThoughts andView. Yet we (hall find the Hifory greatly ufeful, though not exactly uniform ; nor'is it fo confufed, as to be incapable ofea- fie References and Reduaions to Euch proper Order asmay belt pleafe the Reader:, if the Defign be clear and worthy, viz. to tet in open Light the degenerate Age he lived in : the magnalia of Grace and Providenceas to bimfelf e his Self-cenfurings on all occafions: Caution and Conduct unto others : and tracing all &vents to their genuineSources and Originals, the judicious Reader will improve fuckthings, There were feveral Papers loofely laid, which' could not eafily be found , when needed. And ,the defe&ivenefs of my very muchdeclining Memory, mademe for- get ( and the more, becaufe of haste and bufrnefs) where I had laid them after I had found them. And force few Papers mention'd, and important here , are not yet found, though fearch'd after; which yet hereafter may be brought to light amongf force others, intended forthe Publick View, if God permit. The Reve- rend Author wrote them at feveral times, as his other Work and 'Studies, and fre- quent Infirmitieswould admit of. And he was more intent upon the Matter than the Method : and finding his Evening Shadows growing long, as the Prefageof his own approaching and expected Change, he was willing (through the importunity of his Friends) to haften the compleating of his Works before he died. And he had rather that the Work was done fomewhat imperfectly , than not at all. It is true indeed, that he bath left us nothing of the lait Seven years ofhis Life, lave his Apology for his accufed Parapbrafe and Notes on the New Teftament , for which he was fo fiercely profetuted, imprifoned, traduced and fined. And though fame preffed me to drawup the Supplemental Hillary of his Life, yet the wifelt that I couldconfule advifed me to thecontrary : and I did take their counsel to be right and good; for I well knew my fell very unable to do that uniformly with thereft ; and I was not inclined to obtrude upon the World what was not Mr. Barters. Pre- carious Reputation I affe& not. That Fame cannot berightfully my own which is not deferved by me. And if this Preface and myfubjoyned Sermon be butcan- didly received, or moderately cenfured, and any way tributary to the Reader's benefit , I (hall rejoyce therein , and not expe& his undeferved Commenda- tion. III. I am well aware ( and think it worth my while to take notice) of feveral Things which may awaken Prejudice, Cenfure, or Difpleafure , and occafon (if not caul) Obje&ions and Offence, as to the Treatife and my fell; which I would obviate and prevent ( at leaft allay) if poffïble. I neither love to kindle Flames, nor to enrage them, nor to contributethe leali breath or fewel to them. I am for Faithfulnefs and Truth in the foftef file and way confiftent with the Ends and Interelt thereof. Flattering Titles and needlefs Pungencies I difaf. What was the Author's, is not mine. To nublilh is not always to affent. And if Modell), and Selfdiffidence domake me refrain from Cenfures and Correftionsand Expun- &ions, can that be efeemedculpable ? Efpecially when it is vet foie Meridian cla- rims, to both my felfand everyMan, how much my Knowledge, Parts, Judgment, Holinefs and Advantages to know what hé Reports and Cenfùres, come fhort of what his were. Molt of the Perfons (ifnot well nigh all) cenfured by him , were altogether unknown tome : Nor do I find them all, or many, mentioned by him as utterly ungodly or undone. But as far as Mifcarriages or Negle&s upon the Publick Stage did miniller to Sufpicion, ana (to the prejudicethereof) affe& the Publick Intereft ; fo far they are remarked by him with refentmene If jaflly, the Equity will jufifie the Cenfure; and evidently hew how much the Interef of Church and State lay nearer to, and more upon his Heart than private Friendship or

The Preface to the Reader. orConcerns. But if unjaflly, it is the undoubted right and duty of thofe that can, to clear the Cenfured from all their undue Imputations and Afperlions; andcould I do it for them, my Obligations to, and value for this quondam excellent Hifto- rian and Divine, Ihould not prevent my utmoftcordial Engagementsin that matter, iiamely, to wipe of all AfperGons from the Innocent, or to abate and leffen them, asfar as they arecapable duly of Allays. But let me meet the Reader with thefe cautionary offers. I. Perhaps it may be thought unmeet by font that a Divine lhòuld- turn HiftÚ- rian. Anew. x. Whynot as well asGrotinl, Du Pleffis, Lapis", &c. yea, and King games the Firft meddle with writingabout Sacred Things. ( z. ), Mr. Baxter was neither ignorant of, nor unconcerned in, nor unfit for fach a Work as this ; who knew him better than he knew himfelf ? or did more, intirely fearch into Affairs? or lay under greater Advantages for pious and jut} Informations? ( 3. ) He had no Advantages, nor heart for Gain orHonour by this his Undertaking. It is known he hath refufed Preferment, even by King Charles the Second, but fought for none. ( 4.) Writing of Hiftories rather refer to Abilities than to Office. Men may not govern Kingdoms, Cities, nor Societies, till called thereto by folemn Defignation; be they never fo throughly qualified ; nor, can they adminifter i{i Publick Worfhip till called theretò by Solemn Ordination, or as Probationers in order to that Of- fice. But Men may write for Godand Common Good if they be able fo to do. For their Abilities, Opportunities, and Capacity for Publick, Service, are a Call fufficiently and fafely ró bedepended on. (q.) The Author's Modefly , Humili- ty, and well known Self-denial, and evident Remotenefs from all Pragmaticalnefi and Affe&ation, may well prevent Sufpicionof his Exorbitancy in this his. Enter- prize. And ( 6. ) his great Ability and Concern to ferve the Publick Intereff, when as all poflible help was needful, requifite and grateful, may well implead Etch bold Retorts upon his Undertaking. Who flays for a particular Commiffion to extinguifh Flames, or to give needful Informations of inftant Dangers, or of neceffary Conduct, when great Calamitiesor Mifcarriagescannot otherwife bepre- vented'? a. It is not impoffible that force will judge him too impudent and unworthy in branding Perlons with fuch ungrateful Chara&ers, as do fo evidently expofe the Memory of the Dead and Living, or their Poflerity, and intimate to difgrace. But (t".) Mattersef Fa& notorioully known are fpeaking things themfelves and their Approbationor Dillike from others fhould be as Publick as the Things themfelves. Matters of Publick Evidence and Influence are as the TO of Publick Sentiments, and of the prevailing temper of thofe Communities wherein fuck things were done. And can Civilities of Converfation, or Interefl, or Perfonal Refpe&s and Tendernefs, be an Equivalent with God, to what is expe&ed by him from Bodies Politick, or from his faithful Servants in them. ( z.) The Author blames himfelf as freely, and as publickly confeffeth, and blames his own Mifcar- riages, ashe doth any other. ,(g.) He fpares no Man nor Party , which he faw culpable, and verily thought reproveableon jufl grounds. Nor is he fparing of fit Commendations, nor of moderating his Reprehenfions, where he faw the Cafe would bear it. (4.) He was far from Partiality, and addietednefs to any Party. Good and Evil, Truth and Fallhood, Faithfulnefs and Perfidioufnefs, Wifdom and Folly, Confideratenefsand Temerity, &r. they were refpe&ively commended or difpraifed wherever they-were found, (i.) Though Oliver Cromwell , once Pro- te&or, Dr. Owen, and others, feem tobe£harpyly cenfur'd by him , in the thopgbts - of thole that valued them ; yet let theaffigned Reafons be confidered by the Reader, and let him fairly try his own flrength ineither daving the Matters ofFa&, 'and fo impeach the Truth of the Hiftory : or in juflifying what was done, and fo implead the Criminal Charge ; or in allaying the Cenfureby weighing well how much of their reported or arraigned Mifcarriagesmay and ought to be afcribed to inter Infirmity or Miffake; or by preponderating their cenfured Crimes, with other worthy Deeds and Chara&ers,jyftlychallengingCommendations. For as to Oliver Cromwell,what Apprehenfions and Inducements governed him, and what hold they took upon his Confcience, and how far he a&ed in faithfulnefs thereto, as in defigned reference to God's Glory, to the Advancement of Religion , to the Reformation of a de- bauched Age, and to the Prefervation of thefe Kingdoms from Popery, Slavery, and Arbitrarinefs ( the general Fear and Pleaof there Kingdoms at that time, ) whetherwithout or with good ground, let others judge) is not for me here to de- termine. I have heard much of his Perfonal and Family Stri &uefs and.Devotion: e Of

The Preface to the Reader. Of his Appeals to God for the Sincerity of his Defigns and Heart, from fome who have heard him make them as they have credibly told me : Of his Encouragement of, ferious Godlinefs, and of the great Difcouragement which Irreligion and Pro- phanenels and Debauchery ever met with from him. Thefe Things were good and great. But from what Principles they came, and by what right from God and Man they were his Re&oral Province, and to what ultimate End he really did di- re& them ; there Things requiredeeper Thoughts than mine, in order to a fober Judgment on them. It is more than I can do to vindicate his Right to Govern, and to behead our King, and to keep out another but I am alway glad of any thing which may allay the Guilt of Men : though I had rather find no Guilt (nor any appearance or fulpicion of it) that (hall need Charityor Induftry to ex- tenúate or allay it. God giant there Kingdoms greater Careand Wifdomfor time to come : and calk us to fit peaceably, orderly, obediently,fùbmiffively and thank- fully underthe gracious Government of KingWilliam our prefent rightfifl and law- ful Soveraign, in fò great Mercy to there Kingdoms , whom may the molt high God long preferve, condu&, and greatly profper. ( 6. ) As to the Relatives and under Agents of Oliver Cromwell, 1 offer there things: s. The Author would not charge themwith what they never did. a. Their Difadvantages through the Exi- gencies; Influences, and Temptations of their Day ought to be well confidered left otherwife Men be intemperate andexceflìve in their cenforious Refle &ions ois them.. Things now appear ( perhaps) in a far clearer Light than heretofore: ;. lnftant Necelfities may admit of greater Pleas : and Men at a greater diftance may not fo fitly judge of prefent Duty or Expediency. And 4. there is undoubtedly fuck a thing as interpretative Faithfulnefs and Sincerity, which fo far cheers Mens 'hearts, and fpirits refolution and'appeals to God , although the Principles which bear Men up herein may be, and frequently are erroneous, and but meer Milìakes. 5. We know not all that Men can fay, when calmly heard and fairly dealt with, for their own cenfirréd A&ions, by way of Apology or Defence. 6. We mufcon- fider our own (elvesas in this World and Body ; and as liable to equivalent ( ifnot the fame) Dangers and Temptations. The fence and provident reach of that Di- vine Advice, Gal. 6. n. is vaflly great, and greatly ulèful and would prevent rigid Conitm&ions if well attended to. 7. Oliver Cromwef's Progeny (thofe that are yet alive ) are chargeable no further with his Crimes than they are approved by them : and this I never heard them charged with since 6e. I know them not : but nave been told that they are ferious, peaceable , ulèful , commendable Perlons, and make a lovely Figure in their refpeelive, though more privateStations. 8. As to Dr. Owen, r. It is too well known (to need my proof) how great his Worth and Learning was. How loft and peaceable his Spirit, for many of his laft years, if credibleFame bely him not. And perrar''a in maimmendaxfama. He was indeed both a burning and a finning Light. 2. As to the Wallingford-Houfe Affair, and the Doetor's Hand therein; our Reverend Author confidered him and others as to. what he thought culpable, and orpernicidus Confequence and fcandalous' Report and Influence, as to both the prefent and fucceeding Ages. He had no Perlima! Prejudice againR him or others. But as bosh Church and State were fò diforderly endangered and affe&ed by what was thereconfùlted and done ; lb Mr.Baxrer did fo much relent the thing, as to think it fit to be recorded , and accented with fit aggravations; as a Remonfrance to the Crime, and as a Warning to theChriftiata World. And he is not the only Perfon who Lath believed, noticed and blamed that Matter. But that the Doctor is is bragreat Matter's jots , is what our Author Lath reported, his very firm perfwafion of, in print. 9. As to our Brethren the fide/mile/ants, 'tis true that no mean Ferment appears to have been upon the Author's Spirit. But (r.) is he sharper upon them , then on the Presbyterian,, AnabapriFts, Prelates, where bethought or found them culpable ? (2. ) What Party did our Author wholly fide with? (3 ) What bofom Friend did he ever fpare wherein he found him reprehenfible ? (4.) He was fo intent upon Orthodox Do&rines, Ca- tholiek Union, Chrifian Concord and Behaviour, and Peaceable Ufefulnefs and Converfàtion amoggf all Proteft ants, and upon avoidingDivifions amongft Chrift's Followers, as that whatever obffruaed there Concerns, he was impatient of , and warm againR. Truth, Peace, and Love,was he a Votary ro, and Martyr for : and hereunto did he devote molt of his Life and Labours, Dicam good res eil. It is fèandalous that there fhould be Divifions, Dillances, Animofties and Contentions, amongft Chriftians, Protellants, Diffenters, againR each other, and in the Bowels of each Party. But much hereof arifes from unhappy Tempers, Self ignorance, Confidence and Inobfervance, want of frequent, patient, and calm Conterenceanci im-

The `Prefáce to the Reader. impartial Debates about things controverted, adds&ednels to PeffIntereft and Re- putation with our refpeetive Patties, impatience of revere Thoughts and Studies; and of impartial Confideration beforewe Mc and pals our Judgment, taking thing; WO much upon Tru(t; Prejudice againft thofe whole Sentiments are different from our own, laying too great a weight upon eccentrical and meaner things,prying too boldly into, and talking too confidently about things onrevealed, or but darkly hinted to us in the SacredText, and reprelenring the Doitrine of Our. Chrillianity in our own Artificial Terms andSchemes, and foconfining the Intereft, Grace, and Heart of God and Chrill to our refpeetiveParties; as if we had forgot, or had ne- ver read Rom. 14.17-19. Alla ro. 34, 3c. Gal. 6. 14 -16. and Eph. 4. r F: That Perlònwhofe Thoughts,, Heart andLife(hall meet me in the Spirit and Reach of z Pet. 1. t --n. shall my hearty Love and Service , although hede- termine neverto,hear me Preach,or tp Communicate with me all his days, through the Imprellion of his Education or Acquaintance; though at the fame time lhould be. loth that lath a narrow Thought should be the Principle, Poile and Con- du& ofmy Church Fellowlhip, Spirit, or Behaviour. God bath, I doubt hot, his eminent and valuable Servants mall Parties and Perfwafions amongst Chriftians. An heavenly mind and Life is all in all with me. I doubt not but that God bath many precious faithful Ones atnongft the Mencalled Independanü, Presbyieridns, A. nabaptifis, Prelarical And I humbly judge it reafonable that'( 1.) The Mil- carriages of former Parties be not imputed to fucceeding Parties who own not, not abet their Principles as prodù&ive of filch pra&ical Enormities.. (a. ) That the Mifcarriages of tome particular Perlons be not Charged on the refl., until they pre- fe(sormanifefttheirApprobationofthem, .(s.) That what is repented of and pardoned,be not fo received as to fomentDivifions and Recriminations. (4.) That my trait from Mr. Baxter, and faithfulnefs to him, and toPolterity, be notconftrù- ed as the Refùlt of any Spleen in me againftany Perfon or Párty mentioned inthis following Hiltory. (t.) And that we all value that in ohe another, which God thinks lovely where he forms and finds it. And 6. 0Utinam! that we formmo other Tell and Canon of Chriltian Orthodoxy and Saving Soundnefs,, and Chrifti- an Fellowthip,than what the Sacred Scriptures give us as Explicatory of the Chrifli- án Baptifmal Creed and Covenant, as influencingus into an holy Life, and heaven-.. ly Hopes and Joys. I thought once to have given the World a faithful Abftratt of Mr. Baxter's Doetrines or Judgment, containing the Sence of what he held about Jufification, Faith, Works, ee. and yetlayingaude his Terms of Art: that here-, by the Reader might difcern the Confonancy of it to the Sacred Text , and to the Doetrinal Confefliions of theReformed Churches; hisConfiftence with himfelf,and his nearer approach in Judgment to thofe from whom he feems todiffermuch, than the prejudiced Adverfariesare aware of. But this mull be a Work of Tittíe', if not an Enterprize too great for me, as I julily fear it is. But I will do by him as I would do by others, and have them do by me, viz. give him his owned Explica- tion of the BaptifmalCreed and Covenant, as a fit Teft to try his Judgment by - and if his Doctrines in his other Treatifes confiff herewith, others perhaps will fee more Caufe to think him Orthodox in the molt weightyArticles, and lets to be' fufpected, notwith(tanding his different Modes of Speech. The Things profefedly believed by him far may be fees in his Chriftian Concord) were, THat there ìe one only God : The Easier , infinite in Being , Wifdono , Goodnefl , and Power : the Maker, Preferver, and Diofer ofall things; and the molt juSb and merciful Lord of All. That Mankindbeing fallen by Sinfrom God and HappineJd, under theWrath ofGod, the Carfe ofhis Law, and. the Power of the Detail, Godfe laved the World, that be gave bis only Son to be their Redeemer : who, being God, and one with the Father , didtake tiehim oar Nature, and became Man, being conceived of the Holy Ghafl in the Virgin Mary, and born of ber, andnamed J ESidS CH R I S T: and having liv'd en Earth without Sin, and wrought many Mirdele,, for witnefßofhis Truth, he gaveup,bimfelf a Sacri- fice for our Sins, and a Renfomfar us, in BeringDeath on the Croft andbeing,buried, be it Lord of all inGlory with the Father. And having ordained that all that truly repent, and believe in hime and love hima'áoveall things, andfncerely obey him, and that to the e z Death