Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

166 IheLIFE ofthe LtB.I, s Toywr fecund wefay, Its true that we take our Parsfhes for true Political Churches; and we take it as probable ( and fo to be judged by us andothers) that all thole that con- feantly fubmit to the Ordinances and Minifterial Offices, are trueviftble Members,emd take themfeenetfor fuch ; except they do otberwife difcover their diffeat. But becaufe wherePro- fe ons are but implicit, or kf expreß we havebut a probability, and not'a full certainty that adfacb Perfam do takes-hamlet-vet indeedfor Members , and becaufewhen we callthem to acquaint us expreßy, whether they take tbemfelvesfor Members, or not; tbeÿ deny it, or refute to profeß it, and fo difclaaim it, we now firfl difcern that they are no Members; either not intending to be frith all this while, or voluntarily departing now.We have more affarance of the Truth of our particular yifible Churches, thanwe have of each Man's memberfhippar- :titularly. For force doplainly profeß thewfelves Members, and mote others do that wbicb amountsto a more ebfeure Profefon, and which makes themguilty ofHypocrifee, f they in- tendnet what theyfaene to profeß : Best yet when they contradifl the teeming darker Pro- feeon by an open difdeiming it, then they undeceive as, and ceafe that diffembling : And Multitudesdo openly profefi in many places, longago,. that it n their liberty to bearall Men, but they take as for no Churches, or at leaft they take. not tbemfelves ee Members. Beftdés, when they difclaim our Power over them, they will not come near us tobe quefhsoned,or give anyaccount of their ways, but tell us, We have nomore to do with them, than others have wbofeCbargethey sire not under. Moreover, when they have cafe out tbemfelves, they are not capable of the fame Callingbut by no, ai tbof that_are in for it- cannot be wholly ab eodern termino. Tot we donot, asyou jay,refolve to exertif our Difipline on thole only that tefIile Confent ;.:but. only agree on no more, leaving the rife to be doneas above, and be- yond this Agreement.. But that's your.third, grunion, towhich we fay, That we do not Prop. x8. limit our Publick Confines to thole only that exprß Confnt, as excluding all others, or refol'oing not to do it on any others : but only refolvtng bare to do it. Indeed cur Judgment u,, that fo far as a fcandaleur Chriltian. bath Communion with us, fo far he may be cafe out (not breaking Natural and Civil Bonds)... f fame bave the Communion of particular Chinch- Member, withas, and others bave but the. Communion of CbrsfLam in Neighbourhood, and ordinary Converfe wherein we have accafton to manifefl familiarity, we may and Ought-to Cafe theformer ( on jute caufe ) out of Church-Communion, and eke later, out offamiliar Society, or Communion in any , Ordinance that intimates Familiarity; but out of that Church we cannot can him, when he is not in it. Tot for many Reafonswe judged it un- meet to put this late into our Agreement. I. Tou do mifeake our Reg. to. of Prop. fop ofmg that the Profelon of Confine there mentioned, detb carry in the not of it, aplain refofal of our Difcipline. For ifbe profeß Confine, we mule takehim as a Member, and rife bins accordingly ; and by that Profeon, be manifefletb Content to our Guidance and Difcipline in general and the thing. that be refufetb is only Actual Obedience to a particu- lar Ate of Difcipline, andthat after the difcovery of Content; which any corrupt Member may do. Asfor the two Points before mentioned by you, wherein you went not fo far as we, this muchwe briefly fay, x. Our x9th Prop, Reg. 9. ffeaks ofno Ignorance but what wasbefore eeepreffed, viz. of Fundamentals, and that only where we bave jail ground of Safficion of it. z. Wedare not diffivadeyour mutual Affiance jn Pafeoral Offices to particular Con- gregations, where there is no offence taken at it. But if the Congregational Brethrenflrould take itat a makingyour many Churches tobe but one particular Church, or a giving the Patter of one Church a true Pa/oral Power, and confequently Charge and Duty over other Churches, ( which you know Mr. Burroughs in bis Irxnic. makes their great Offence), thenfor Unity andPeacefake, we could with you did forbear it. Brethren, Our hearty prayeris that the Lord wouldguide , quicken, encourage, and fuc- aeedyou, in this blefféd (York. But the more excellent it is, the more Oppefitian expetl from Men and Devils, andyourown Corruption: But the dearer it eo/eetb you, and the more unrefervedlyyou devoteyour felves.and reftgnall youbave to God, for the faithful perform- ance ofit, the more Comfort mayyou expeá fromGod, and.the Tweeter will be your reviews of it at a dying hour. Brethren, imitateyour Lord: Do the Work of him that fine you while it is day ; for the night cemetb when none can work. Farewel Kiderminlier, OAob. Your Brethren 16I;. and fellow Servants, Rich. Baxter, Jarvis Bryan,. in the Name andat theAppointmentofthe relit Brethren