Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Numb. A P P E IX: AReply to tome . Exceptions agaan/l our Worcefter- foire Agreement , and my Chriftian Concord. Written by a namelefs Author , and fens by Dr, Warmftrye. iEonouredandWartby Sir, Salutem&Ofcia in Chrifo etaAutore Salutes. xcept. OR Chriftian Concord,Mr.ftaxter cannot writemore willingly, nor Sea. i. yoube more strongly inclined to meet any lùch motion , then you well know the Hearts of very many of your Brethren to be already agreed in that. AndI believe I have given you evil nce in all my. formerDifeourfes with you (uncontradkted by any alion of mine) that I the, meaneft of the fervants ofyour Order,do makeit the butt andaime Mall my weak; Studies and Labours in orderto the glory and fe vice of.God, and Chiilt our Lord who bath fohightly injoyned it. 2. But this bars usnot, but obligesus wellto con- fider, whether thisWoreefer Agreement be a true Union_ in Ecclefiaftical Peace, or the carrying on a Schismatical Combination reaching to enclofe in the Epiikopal Divines alto. ;. That they may now at length by this approve of the Presbyterh Declaration to the World, of the noneceffityof continuing their Canonical Obe dience to their Biíhops in Chrilt, (whichwas the fill wheel' that fet a work this fad Revolution, the ejeóting Out of the Church (I mean out of their principal proper place in the Church) the BilhopsandPallors, the Succeffors of the Apoltles in the Church) whether this be fo or no ; I fay,I mull requelt you to judge by conhdering. Reply to Sell r. I shall not unwillinglybelieve and acknowledge that your love toConcord is Brea= ter than mine, when I fee you more zeakefyfaking' it , and hear of your Motions and mo$eráteRatienal Attemptsto that end; AndIshall begin tohopewell of you,when you are but willing to accept filch motions front any others , or at teaft rot tohinder the Concord of your Brethren. 2. Schifinatical.Combinations are againf the U nited Churches, or the UnitedMembers doneparticular Church.'We unite or combine against no filch Churchesor Members , nor agamll any Thing but prophanenetsand wickednefs, and against the difunion, difcord, and alienationof Brethren, and the utter negleâ of the Ordinances of Chrift. Our utmoft care and endeavouris td heal aScbifm ; andifthey thatdo their belt toBeal it,lamenting itdaily as thegreat fin and calamityof theChurches , and making it the chiefeft part of their Studies, withunfatiable longings to fee it accomplished, looking for no wordly advantage by the work, having no Lordly Honours , nor Dignitiesof their own to engage for, which mightbyafsthem; nay *non prodigally calling away their Reputation with all the contenders of everyParty , accounting nothing in this worlddear to them for the healingof our Divifions , and waiting on God in camelPrayer daily for fuccefs, (concerning all which , the Righteous God is better acquainted with my heart and ways than this Contender) I fay if yet we are not only Schifmaricks , but Scbifmatical inthefe veryattempts,I know not yet howwelhall efcape that fin. Ihope God will not imputethat tomewhich this Writer cloth and that as hewill not impute myPrayers and Endeavours againil Drunkennefs, Covetoufnefs and Con- tentions of Neighbours, to be indeedDrunkennefs,Covetoufnefs, orContention, fö neither will he impute myearnell Prayersand endeavours againfi Schifm and Dif- cord to Schifmatical. But Schifm is notthe fame thing in one Mans mouth as in anthers. It is the unhappinefsof each Party orSchifmatical Fahtion , to make to themfelvesa new Center of unionwhich God never made , and then all mull be Schifmaticks with them, that unite not in their Center, or at lull be not tyed to n- Mon by their ligaments. So he is a Schifinatick to a Papifl that Centers not in the A Pope,