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38 The LIFE of the LI B. I. 8. It mot prevailed with many, that the Parliament profeffed not to fight a- gainft either the Perfen or Authority ,of the King, though againft his Will; but that their War wasonly againft Sabjetls. They faid that fome SubjeQs were Delin- quents that fled from Jutice, againft whom they might raife Arms offenfively ; and other Subjefts took Arms againft the Parliament ; andagainft there they made a Defenfive War : But all of them were Subjects, and not Kings: And the King's Willor Commillion is not enough to fave all Subjects from punifhment, when his Law is againftit ; nor to authorize them to deftroy the Parliamentand their Coun- try. 9. They were much emboldenedbecaufe this Parliament was continued byLaw till it fhould diffolve it felt And therefore fome Paid, the King's Prefence is vir- tually with them, he being a part of the Parliament : and others faid,that no War could be lawful which was for their diffolution or ruine, or to deprive them of their Liberty ; and that the defence ofthemwas lawful, whom the Law conti- nued. to. Theyalledged Kingfames, who, theyfaid, of any Man did mot endeavour to advance his Prerogative,andyes in his printed Treatife for Monarchy confeffeth, That a King cannotlawfully make a War againft the Body of his Kingdom, but only againft an offending.Faftion. Therefore, fa they, not againft the Repre- fentative Body, till it be proved that by perfidioufnefs they have forfeited the Vir- tue and Honour of their Reprefentation ix. They alledged Barclay, Gestiar, and other Defenders of Monarchy, efpecial- ly that paRage of Grotius de yure Belli, where he faith, That if fevers' Perfsm hove a part in the Summa Poteftas (of which he maketh L: giflat.on a chief A6-t), efrb part bath naturally the power ofdefending its own lnterefl in the Soveraognty ago nl:,the other. part if they invade it. And addeth over boldly, Tbat if in filch a War thy con- quer, the conqueredparty lafeth to them his(bare: And faith, That this isfo true that it boldeth, though the Law expreflyjay , that one of the Parties fhall have the power of the Militia, it beingto be underfeed that hePall have it again/lForreign Enemies and Delin- quents, andnot againff the other part. ta. It much confirmed them to find themot Learned Epifcopal Divines fpeak fo high for the Legillative'Power ofParliaments (as rho. Hooker doth &rlef,Pollih.r. for the EighthBook, which faith more than the Parliament ever faid, was not then publilhed). And for refitance in feveral Cafes, as Bilhop Biljon doth, even in that Treatife wherein he fo tronglydefendeth Obedience, and which he dedica- ted to Queen Elizabeth. And to find how far they defend the French, Durch, and GermanProtetants Wars. 13. They Paid that the Carnal refpeft of Men for petfonal Interd is, bath made all the Creamofmot Mens Words and Writings go on the Prince's fide ; but Tyanny is a Mifchief as well as Difobedience, and that which all Ages, and molt Nationshave grievoufly fmarted by : and they that befriend it, are guilty of the Sin, and of the Ruines which it procureth : It keepeth out Chritianity from five partsof the World: It cormpceth it and keepethode the Proteffant Truth in mot of the fixth part: The Eafternand the Wetern Churches fuffer under it, to the perdition of millions of Souls. IfBodily Sufferings were all, the matter were no- thing ; but it is Mens Souls, and the Interet óf the Gofpel, which is the Sacri: fice to their Wills. 14. Laffly, Thisgreatly confirmed many, that the Matter being a Controverte, . whether the Difobedience and Refiftanceof King or Parliament, is now the Re- bellion and Sin, the fimple Peoplearenot wifer than theStates -men that differ a- bout it. How then Ihould they better quiet their Judgments, than in the Judg- ment of the Parliament, who are the Truteesof the People, and the chief Court and Council of the King, and have lb many Lawyers and Wife men among them, and are fo greatly intereffed in the common Good themfelves? If it were but the Quenon, Which is the King's GoverningWill, which the People muff obey ? And a Soldier faith, It is my Commillion, and the High Court of Parliament faith, It is the Law declared iñ a Court of Jutice, a Parliament feemeth to be the properet Judge : As in Controverfies of Phyfick, who is to be believed before the Colledge of Phyficiins ? Or inControrerfiesof Religion, who before a General Council? if the Hof ofT,rk and-Lanca/ler fight for the Crown, and both Command the Subjects Arms, thepoor Pealànts are not able to judge of their Tides : And if a Parliament !hall not judge for them who {hall ? 'hef were the f?cafons which caufed Men to adhere to the Parliament in this War. § fp. For