Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

22 V írectíons forgetting and keeping thetufelves with fomething which is enticing by its fweetnefs. TheKing not only makes a Law, fit-idly charging them all to forbear to touch 'that poifon, but he fendeth fpecialVMeffepgers toentreat them to ir, and tell them the danger. If thefe men will not hear him, but wilfully poifon themfelves, is he there- fore unmerciful ? But fuppofe that be hath three or four ofhis fons that are infe.ded with the fame wick- ednefs, and he will not only command and intreat them, but he will alfo lock themup, or keep the poi, fon from them,or will feed them by violence with bet, ter food : is he unmerciful, unlefs he will do fo by all the rea ofhis Kingdom ? Lafily,If all this will not fatislie you; Confider, . That it is molt certain, that God is Love, and i- finite in Mercy, andbath no pleafure in thedeathof finners. 2. But it is utterly uncertain to us,how God worketh on mans wilï.inwardly by his Spirit. 3. Or vet what intollerable ìnconvience there may be if God Ihould work in other waves, thereforewe muff not upon fuch uncertainties, deny certainties : nor from fome unreafonable fcruples about the manner of Gods working Grace, deny the bleffed Natureof God, whichhimfeifbath molt evidently proclaimed to theworld. I have faid the more ofthis, becaufe I find Satan harp fo much on this string with many troubled fou is, efpccial yon the advantage of force common dotrines. I: or falfe Dodllrine 1 ill tends to the overt throw of folid Peace and Comfort. Remember thereforebefore all other thou ,hts for the obtaining ©fPeace, to get high thoughtsof the Gracious and LovclyNature ofGod. D T R E