Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

. . (6t$)' mine the rock that }·ou are built 1:1pon, nor ·batter the fortrefs of your fouls, nor overcome your g~eat Preferver and Defence, nor take you out of the hands of Chnfi. Pjal. 73, 2.6. & 3 1. 2, 3. & 62. 2. & 59.9,16. '}oh. 10. 28. Caft not .n:vay the falvation that is offered you, and then never fear leafl: it be tak_en fromJM. See that you chufe the better part, and refolvedly Ghufe it , and it will be certainly your own for ever. For man cannot take it from you . , nor Devils cannot take it from you, and god 11ill not take it from you. Rufl: and moths will not corrupt this Treafure ; nor can thieves break through and fieal it from you, Mat. 6. 19,20. · But you cann0t fay fo of worldly riches. If you chljfe to be 'Lords and Princes on the earth, you c;;uinoc haveyour choice; but if you could, you cann.ot k§ep it. If you chu{e the wealth and credit of the world, and were fure toget it, you were as jure to leave it ; For naked yotl came into the world , ,and n~ked you mufl: go out, {ob 1. 2 I. If you chufe your eafe , and mirth, and p!utfHre, thefe will be taken from you: If yoa chufe the fatisfy– ing of your flefhly de fires, and all the delight and profperity that the world -can afford you, yet aU mufi be taken from you ; Yea q.uickjy and eafily taken from you. Alas 1Ol'le firoak of an Apo– plexy, or a few fits of a,Fever , or the breaking of a fmall vein , or many hundred of the like effectual means, are ready at .rhe beck of God, to take you from all that you have gathered for your flefu: And "then, whofe fha\l all thefe things be r None of youu, I am fure; nor will they redeem you.r fouls from death or l!lell. Luk! 12. 20. T fa/m 49· 7· If you be in honour, you a~ide not in it, but are ( as to your bocly ) as the beafl:s that perifh. If you think to perpetuate your honfes and your names-, this yot1r – way is but your folly , though your pofierity go on to approve your fayings, and fucceed you in your fins. Pjalm49· 11, I 2, r 3. The world!] wife man doth perijh with the fool : M · foeep they are laid in the grave, Death (hall feed on them, and the uprilht foatl hAve Dt~minion over them in the morning , ver. I o, I 4- They foP~Il foon he cut dawtJ lik.§ the grafs, and:whether tU thegreen herb. Pfal. 37. 2. I hlflve feen thewick_edint.reat profperity, and f[;readinghim– felf lik.§ agreen hay~tree; yet he paffed awa1 ., and foe he wM not; yea 1 fought him, hu1 he could not he found. v. 35,36•. Y<>tl think. it a fine thing to have the fulncfs of the creature, . to be eileerned with the highefl: , and fed and doathed .with rhe b~~, ~nd f~·re d~lid()uf1y every day~~~ ~~e ~icb man, Lftfr,! I6;,bJJht· · ~at