Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

( 76' . thy /alvation ? Unlefs ·thou be a profeffed ·rnlidcl; I know tfioit dare!t not fay fo: And ifthy foul were worth the fufferinrJ of the· Lor~of .Life, ~sit not worth a!l the cofi and labour of thy d14t)? Chnfi ltvcd a hfe of perftEt holmefs : he never finned : he fulfilled alt rightcoufnefs: he prapdallnight , and with greateil: fervency :· preaching and doing good was his employment. Though he hated Phjlrifaical fuperfiidon, and the teaching for doCtrines the Com. mandment.f of #Jen', and ferving God according to mens tradiri· ons, yet was there nenr fo holy, and pure,and precife, and flrictll and heavenly a life asJefus ChriW's : And this was for our re.: demption, and our example.. And dareil: thou fay that this was. neU/efs ?· Should we not endeavour to imitate our pattern? Are theybette"·r.hat are lik!!f Chrift, or they that are mofl unlifi.! him?-– And whieh doil: thou think is Chrift, thebolyor the unholJ ? S_ure we,that fall fo 1hort of the example that Chriil: bath given us, are far from being more diligent then needi , when Chrifl: went not too--far, . nor was too ftriet, that went fo very far be~ yond us. ~eft l7~ .LocJftsipon all the in[.itutiom of the Lord: 0» Ma:0gij1rll&J., and M.iniftry, and the grellt Work! of their office : On· prayer-, and prra,hing, and Sacraments, and Di[cipline, and all .(}tner Ordinances. of God ; and alfo on all the framuf the holy Scripture ; and alfo ·.on all the -workjng.r and graces of the Hotr and tell me whether thou daref\: fay , that all or any of thefe a;e in vain? and whether that Holinefs which all thcfe are appointed for, can'be a vain and needlefs thing? · · ~eft.t8, D'ltreftthoafay.,thatChrifldoth more thenneeds, in . b.u lntercef!lon f@r us with the Father no-w in 'flellven? It is he that fendetb the ffiirit to {anFJifie us-: It is he that prayeth that we may he fanFJified 6y th: truth? We have no grace andholinefs bat what we have from him. And dareil: thou fay he d,oth too much?. It is he that fends his Mi·nijfers to call men toaholy life : Lookm· to his Word, and fee whether the doflrine which they .preach be l'lOt there pr~.fcribed to them ; ,and the duties . of hollnefs the~e ·~ommended. , If therefore it were erroneous or · exce~~e, 1t ~wo.uld be long of ChrifX, and not of his M.dfengers or D1fc1ples, !hat fpeak.and do no mo11e for holinefs ·~ then be bids them ; bat fall exceeding fhort . .. · . . ~efr. I 9· Art thou wifer in tbi!, ~ml more to be bel~ev.ed, thm ~~.t~& flf!_£~~1!.~ !_ropk~~~, ~'!.~ ~pofl.~~~, af!_dfet!_~~~~ of ~oJmfo:'::; ...:> ~ . .