Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

( 87) t~ God. J 1 Thef. 5. I 7, 18.' [Pray with~ ut ce4fing :In every thin.~ give thank.!: for thu is the will of God concerning ; ou ] .Luke I g, I. [And he Jpak.f_a p·arabh to them to thu end ;.that men Gugkt at– -wayes to pray, and not to wa~· f~int, &c. J Luke I 1. 8, 9 [!fay unto you, though h-e Wilt not rife and give him becAu[e he u hu friend, ;et bu•wfe of hu impart unity) he will rife and give hi": M many aJ he medeth : And Jfay untoJ(JU, Ask.. and it jh.11l be gtven you. feek._atJd ye /ball find; k..,noc k_and it fhall be opened untopu.} Luk~ 6. 12. LHe 'Went out into a mountain to pray , an,i contin~cd lilt night in praye.r to .God.] Danid would not give over pra}~tng three times a day tn lm bn.tfe, for thirty d.1yes fp1ce, at the Kmgs command, no not tofave hu life from devouring Lions. Da11id faith, Pfalm I 19. 164. [Seven times ~1 day dv I praife thee.]. Lam. 2. 19. [ Arife: cry out in the night: in the beg;nning r;f the watches pour out thy heart lik.! water before the fac.e of th D;rd:] pf~lm 14. 4. it is part of the wicked .Atheifts defcripcion, thar [They call not upon the Lord.] Jer. I o. 25. [Pour out thy fury upon the heathen tb~t k._now thee not, and the families that c«f/. not Mthyn..rme.] Pfalm145·18. [TheLordu nigh tG allthatcllll upon him; to all that call upon him in truth. J When Paul was converted , the Lord lets Annni.u know it by this token , Aets ·· 9.II.[Forbeholdheprrzyeth.] Aets r. 14. [Thefeallcontinu· ed-n•ith one accord in pra;er and fupplication. J Acts 2. 4 2. The three thoufand Converts [ continuedftedfajily in th.: Apojlles do· flrine, andfdlow/hip, and in breakjngef bread, and in prayers. J Col 4· 2 [Continue in prayer, and watch in the fame, with thank_s· · givixg ; withal/ pr#~ying a/(.; for m, that God would opt n to m a door of uttertmce, to fPeRik._ the myfttrie of Chrift. J Rom. I 2. 12. [ Crmtinuing inftant in prayer.] Jam. 5. 16. L The ejfefl11al fer– vent prayer of arighteous manavaileth much.] r Tim. 4. 5. [For ( ewry creature) is fanfli(ied by the Word ()f God tfnd prt~yer.] I Tim. 5. 5. [She that is~ widdow indeed and defolate, trN.fteth i1~ God, and continueth in fupplications and prllyers night and d:ty. J Jude 20. [ Prayin!,in the Huly Ghoft. J 1 Thef. 3· 10. [Night and day exceedingly.] Epbef. 6 I 8. [ Prnying atw,tyes with all prayer and/application in the fpirit, t~.nd watching theromto with 11/l perfeverance ~tnd f upplicntion for all Saints; and for me, &c.] 2 Chron. 6. 29. [What prayer or what Jupplication foever jhft/l be 1 madeof V~n] man, or of all thy people Ifrael, when every one fh.alt k.n&w his ow_n {ore, llf!d hi~ own grief, · and /hti!l jpread forth -- his