Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

m·, ()r a railer~ eY. adrunk_~rd, or anextortioner ~ with_{ucba om .nr; not te eat--- therefore put away frGm among your felve.s the wu-– kfd perfon.] 2Thef.3.6, 14.l Now\\•ece,mmandyou.'JJrerhren, . in the nflme of our L ordre/mClmjl, that ye ~Vithdraw you rfcf~v~s from every brother th>ft w,,dk,_eth diforderly, t!ntj nr;t .-;jter the tra>utt– on which he recei'l.ledof tu-- e.And if llny man obty not our word 6y thu Epiftle, note that man, a:-1d har;e m company witi:J him) t!Mt hemay be 4hamed.l 2 John I o. [If there crnM tmy toycu, 11~d 6ring not thiJ doClrine, receive himnot into your l11u~Jr:, no'th<r bt~ himGod Jfmd: for he th.'lt bi.:~'dtth him GJd fJwd,i! p.:trta~rr of hu. etz~il deeds.] Jam. 5· 16. l Confr/J yowr fat.:lts one to aYJether.] , J ofh. 7. I 9. l Give, I pray tl1ce ,g!Gry tot he L1rdCodcf If.·ael , «,fd • ~i'ik:! confrjfio;.: t-mtohim, end tell me no\\J ·what thou h..• ft dcm; hide it nvt from rm. J Prov. 28. I 3. [.He th.u cu-vercth hi; fins jh,1/l' n:·t profper}ttt whofo cvnfef{nhandforf~ksth them fh.tll have mercy.] Dotb nor a' I cb is juflifie tt1e cxe:-cifeof D1fcipline, and condemn the neglect of it? . 9. But (fai th the imp:ous perfon ) why mt~f« they fucb .<t dif- · f erwce between rhemfelvn m1d other nun? extolling themfr:lves ,u– the on!y/avmtts of the L ~ rd, and cminnning others M ungodly ' ~1d chtlcirrn cf the ])t"i/il, and terrifying mens cunfciences with the fea rsuj f9l I/ ? An/w If any do fo again.fl (uch as are fanDified ~nd rtneWed, and have the Spirit of Chrift, and live to God,_tbey deal unchari:. tably; and if you ddlike their cenforioufnefs , fo do I, and fo do ' . all the fob er, conGdera rc fervanrs of t be Lord. But if it be only· · agflinfl the carnal unfanElified world chat they do thus, it is God · t hat makerh the diff: rcnce ~nd .. not they. Do yon not find the whole Scripture divi·dinga!l cbe world into two ranks, the t,odly '' and rhe ;mgodly? the rq,eneratc and unregenerate? the converted · nnd tmconv:rted? tbeflwEli(iedand tmfanElified! the carnal and tbc spiritual? the tarthfy_;rnindedand the 'hea-ve;zty-minded? the pardoned and unpardoned? the jufti.fied and unjujlified? the chil- – dren of Cod, and rheemmics of God? cbe fnvmns of Goa 1 andof th~ Devil? the heirs of hea-ven, and the heirs of hell? To prove · this would be to repeat the B:blr. f\end Pfalm L & 37·. & 15 ~ . & IO. Jld~dth. 5: Rom. 8. J ~- h. 3. ]1,-J,ztth. Ij . . I {oh 3. &c, Do you not f-ind Chrifi bimfdt acquainting you before hand that one r~ rt fhall be [et at hi$ i"l~~bt blfl,nd in judgement~ and the (}/her '' 8-ii h1S ltf! '; .and one Pilrt r~nt tO life everlafting4 .al!d the other : rJou