Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

~art ·n. ASaint or ~'Brute: -It) that while we clayby day entre:tte you to the :ontrary ?]f this ·be tae cafe of any one of you, the Go.d of J t~fllce fhall teach you to ,know what you are doing, by ht~ everlafl:mg vengeance : Heaven and earth fhall be witnefs aga1ofi: you,; your own Con– fciences" and fuch Confeffions -of yot:1r own fhall bear witnefs a-gainfl: y'ou, chat you juftly perifh, and are damned, becat:1fe you wouldbe damned, and are fh~t out of Heave·n, becaufe youWould ·mt be perfwaded ro come thtther.. · · Object. .But we hopt -we tniZJ have Both,Pleafure here and H.ea– :ve.n herell[ter: ttnd that we m~y be faved by the mercy of God and the blo(}d of Chrift, without the {anaijir:ation of the Ffiirit, ,md ·though 'We do not livea Holy life. An[ 'VI. And wh~ gave you thefe)?opu ? Is it GoJ 011 whom you , .pretend to truft ? or the Devil that doth deceive you ? Cer– tainly not God ; For be bath told YOlilOVer and over, that be will fave none but thefllnElified, Atls 26. 18. and th~tttxcept am~tn he born again, evm of the Spirit tU well tU of water , he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, John 3. 3, S'. and that without holinefs nonejhallfee the Lora, Heb. I 2. I 4. And ii it God that perfwadeth you char his Word is falfe? Doubtlefs it is theDevil. WhenGoJ. ·had told Adam and Eve, [That in the d.iJ that they did eat the forbidden frstit, they fhould die the death J was it not the Serpent that gave them hopes of living, and told them tha.t thej jhou/d not die ? If you be at that pafs tl:iat you will take on you to truft in God, and yet will not believe him , but your trull is but truftint. that God id alpw, you are as fottifh in your prefamption, as Hea~ thens are in their Infidelity: For who is worfe? be that believeth that there u no God (as Atheifts do) or be that believeth that GGd is a Lyar, which is to· be no God and worfe? . If therefor~ you do believe in~eed that Heaven is Beft, you muft needs beheve that Holinefs ts Necef{~ry; yea and Beft too~ when Heaven confifieth fo much in perfe£led holine(s. And there– fore yol:l mt:lfl: choofe and {uk... with greateH diligence, that Happi– nefs whtch you confefs is Beft,or·never hope that it wifl be yours. 0 did yori atthe heart believe it to he Befl, and that foryou, you ,, .:. would love it, and feek it, and be a holy people without delay.. ··~n: ;· Youcannot fo tur~ away frol'b that which you heartily judge to · · ·· to be BeLl: for you mdeed. · ~ut the rnoG: that I have w deal wirh; are they that cannot be pertwaded at the heart, but that feafiing, ~nddrinking, and lufi, ~ and