Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

. _ ~art' IV · Judges of the cafe: FO'r'they alfo are Blind and.. tintxpericnced . • They ~re not fuited lmto fpiritunl things. 1o which I lllay add· 3. That they a.nd all ungodly men are P.artial in the cafe, and the:efore unfit ~o be witneff~s,or Judges? All the Scriptare fpeaks. agamf.l: the Devtl, and the wtcked, and the luits of the fl.dh : and therefore they area party, even the party thar is to be e.jeded. · 4. Yea they enemirs, and therefore their tefiimony or judge– ment i~ not robe regarded•. ~nd,what dfe will fpeak aword againfi €l Holy life, but the pevil, the fiefo and wick.fd men.? Not any. And therefore let ~~ be c.onduded. th3E thefe axe mrompc:tenc . - Judges in the cafe. · But wh~ thenjlutll ke Judge f Let Cr;d be Jgdge, let Chrift be. Judge ; Who clln, who dare refufe thu fltdge? Refufe him not: f{)r none but he is fir and competent: .Refufe him not ; for he will be Judge whether you will or no ; and your refl:l... fal will be vain. I. He is m{)ft wife, and knoweth all things: and therefore canno.t be deceived. 2. He is Infinitely Good, and: therefore cannot do any wrong : He is impartial and refpeCl:erh not the perfons of the greatefl: ; He is moft_ juft, and therefore. cannot pafs an unjufi fentence. 3· He ooly is the Jndge that ha rh full authority to make a final decifion of the cafe. 4. And in a word, be is fo abffJlutely perfect' that he .is .lyable to no jufl: ex... ceptions, nor can men or Devils have any thing ·to fay againtl: l1is judgement. agreed then that God fhall be .your JHdge ? Will you. take that for ·the betterptwt, which he ulls. bet.. ter ? If fo, the controvedie is at an end. The living God har£1 , · given us his judgement long ago. . If you ask me, Where ; Ile tell youanon~ when, I have ex~mined fome of the -witne.f[es of the £afC'. A~d though I am refolve<! to o\\?n no proper f.inal Judge hue . God, yet under him there are manywitnej{es that are worth the hearing. Indeed I am content to refer the caufe to Any one that do eh but k._now what he faith, ~nd is not nnfaithful, ( referving to God thefinal judgement.) . And I. Go eo. the -wifejJ men on. eanh,.and t-ee them be ·'»'itM .. mj[es. What think you of all the Prophets and Ap!)files, and of all the antient Fathers of the Cht!lrch .? Were not thefe men wifcr ihen you,or rhen the fottifu.fc?rners that ~evile Ehe ways . which they never went, and [peak ev1l of that whtch they under- . ilt\ndnot. r If Prop~ets and .Ap~fttes w~rc no.t for Holinefs ag~infl a"