Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

p~·~t n. ·xl7 · Confchnce kne to fpeak) and then I will venttue. the iffue upon thyConfcience: Fqr thee I mean, though I ~u!t fhck ,to abeerer judgemy felf. Doth not Con[6ienee fomeurne tell thee, that the Holyefi perfons are the wifefr, and that thy labour is liker at laft robe loft and repented of, than theirs? Doth not Confcience , f0metimc make thee wifh that thou wert but in as fafe a cafe a3 they: and that thou mightcft but die rhe death of the RighteoQs, and rhat thy bfl: end might be as theirs ? , 4· But if all this will not ferve the turn, thou ./bi:ilt be l udge thy felf: but it fhal'l be when thou art mvre capable of judging. If God by Grace fhall Change thy hearr, I will fiand to thy , Judg~ment: If he do not, when thy gracelefs guilty foul {half pafs ouc of thy pampered dirry ,fldh, and appear before tbe dreadful God, I will then leave the cafe to thy Confcience to judge of. To all Eternity it fhall be p~rtly ' left to the judgement of thy Con[eience, whether fin or Holinefs be betttr? and whether ·· s~intJ or c({rtiefJ jinners were the wifer? and whether it had nGt · been be ter for thee to have fpent that life in preparing for thy Endlefs hfe, which thou fpendl: in flighringit, and caring for the: world and fldh. Then rhou iliait be Judge thy felfof _tbefe mat· ters: but under a more fevere and righteous judge : And fo as {hall make thy tearing heart to wiih with many a thoufand , £roans, that thou hadft: judgedwifelier in time. · But becaufe that Judgement will be to defperation, and too · late for hope or any help,let Confcience fpeak when thou lyefl: fick~ and fee!l that thou art a dying man! Then jadge thy felf whether a Holy or a worldly .lifebe better ? and whether it had not been thy wifer co1:1rfe to have fowed to the fpirit, tba~ fo thou mai!l- : reap everlafting life, then to have fowed w the fle!h, from which tl:wu nowlook!l to reap no better then corruption. Be not de-– ceived ~ God is not macked : whatfoever a man foweth that ' . . fuall he alfo reap, Ga/.6.6, 7. Bu't becaufe it will be very late to fiay till thyownDeatll draw · fo neer thee, go but to thy neighbours that lie in ficknefs, looking for the firoak of death ; Yea to thy companions in iin and folly . and as~them then which way is better ? As}( them then which i;, the better part? Whether now they had rather be the Holyeft Saints, or fuch as they have been ? Whether now they had not rather they had fpent their time in the moll careful · feeking for Ever~fi:ing l.ife, th~n in doing as they h~y~ do~c r Say to thyold · , ~~mpanio~