Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

:t3o Part II,.'– the w?rld , if h<; can but kee~ thee from the heavenly Glory. He w1ll allow thee the Hypocmes Reward, which is the applaufe of men, if he can but keep thee from the Saints Reward, which is the ft1vour of God. . He cares not how mut:h of thy Good .. things tho~ h~fl: here, if he can deprive thee of the Everlafting Good•. It 1s h1s deGre that thou l1ave thy PortiGn in thi& life, that . tho1:1 mayJl: mifs .of the Bdiev!rs Portion in the .next. Certainly. t he Devil himfelf by his Temptations, Apparitions, and Con– tract,, doth plainly tell us of.a life eo come, and what it is that con<duceth mofl: eoour Good or Hurt, o1:1r Joyor Torment; a-nd confequently teacherh mwhat to eheofe, hy tempting us fo palpa. bly and eagerly to refufe it. . You fee now what a JuryQf Wirm:ffes 1ha-ve brought in, to tefiifie wbi<:h is rhe Be'tter part : The Devil and the wicked are added to the refl:, becaufe you will hear no better wirneffes. If you will' · here are enow wh~fe rcll:imonies are.unq!Jefiion– able. But when all is done, it is dieLord that ii and will be ¥udge .·. All thefe are but witnejfes to difpofe thee to receive his fentence. Thou art no Believer, till the Amhority of the Word of God, · facisfie.and refolve thee. . CHAP. ll I. l!nU proof (in twtntte Qyeries) from .Rea[(}n it felf that tloire i& aLife to come, andH~linefs uthe W4J toil; and the Better Part : .Andthat the Gofpel u the certAinWord . ~1 God (in fifteen ~eries mora) with An{wers to the lnftdels .objetlions. · ANd by this-time I come fomewhat nearer to the Jnfidel, and arp ready to anfwer his fore-going ~eilion, [Where foall ,I. fi·nd the f udg~ment or Teftimony of the Lord ?] 0 , faith the Unbeliever, if I were but Jure that there were a life he·reafter , where the godly and the wic/zed ./hall /le differentlyRew~trded, M the S.eript11re speakJ, then Lmuft cotJfefs he were no better then 1t mad man that wouldprefer this world, or wilfully live in fin , and would H.Bt feek..lle~t"'!en w.ith 11/l hi& might 1 an.d be a.starne.Jftn H?linefq;be,