Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Pan ll •· A' St~int or tt Brute•. are Infidels, forfaketi of God whom you- firft forfook.., and given up to Pride and Self-deceit. . . . !l.!!_er. 7. If Man havenoLtfe to ·hvebut thts, and no fur– ther End of his Actions then a Beafi , nor any funher account to give, then he is· indud but one of the higher fort of Beaj/J, _differing but gradually from a Dog,as a Dog doth from aSwme. And if this be inde~d thy judgement of thy felf, I demand, Whether·er no thou be content t& be u{ed .u a BeajF? Wilt thou not take it ill to b~ called or judged a Btaft by anor·her ? Or woulclfi thou have others judge better of the~ · then thy [elf? Wouldfr thou have no man regard thy Propriety, or Life any more then aBeafi is to be regarded?A ·.Beaft bath noPropriety,no not of that which Nature bath given him. You acmfe ·nor your felves of doing him any Wr""Jt, when you deprive the fheep of his fleece, nor when you make a confiant drudge of yom Horfe or Ox. And do you think it lawful ·before God, for any one that can but mafter you; to do the like by you? to ihip you naked, and ro · make-pack-horfes of you, and ufe you as their flaves? We take it to be no fin to take away the livu of Beaft!, if it be but for : our {)~m ~ommodity: We kill Oxen, and calves, and lheep, and fw.ine, and fowle and filhesfor <>ur daily food: And is it lawful· before G?d for others to dofo hy you ? Should mthing refirain them kut )\?~nt of Power to overcome you? If you fay that you are Beafls, AJ·Beafh you fhonld be uf-ed. .f2.!!er. 8. Moreover I would know of you, Whether you thinlz that there i-s ~ny·ofher world, which fpiritual inhabitants do po.f[e(r ? If you fay, No, you go againfl: all Reafonand experience. Againft E~:perience : b~aufe that many a hundred Witches, and many :.Apparitions andhaunted houfes have put the matter oUt: of quef1:i.. - on (for all that many reports of fuch things .have been falfe.) And againfi aft Reafon ; becaufe we fee that this inferiour world is·everywhere replenifued with inhabitants: The eartlihathmen , and /Jeafts, theaire bath birds, the water bath fifoes ; And can a ft ma? of com1:1Jon Reafon then think that the [etperiour Regions · whtcb wefee and v.rhich we fee ·not ( which for greacnefs and for fpendor and excellency are :it thoufand fold ~hove this earth) , ihonld all be uninhabited ::tnd (L)itute! and that there are not creatures alfo there for exceE·~ncy and Number incomparbly· be- – Y~nd ~he inhabitants of this le.ffer lower world? Certainly no- – ~Ptng. ts made in vain, nor are the work~ of God fo monfhoufly . . ' - . . --- . d.if~-