Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Part IT. ASaint or aBrute; 14t the foul, and mofi of them take it a.s prob.1ble, and fo the Na– tion hatib the Government which it bath, from c:verlafling Mo-. tives. And ifyou fay th<tt the tUitient Romans had a fufficient Govern– mem, I anfwer, r. The mofi of them believed a life to come,and ic was buts: few that denyed the Immortality of the foul : and therefore it was this that Governed the Nations. For thofe that believed another life , had the Government of the few that did not believe it, or elfe the Government it felf had been more cor– rupt. 2. And yet the faultinefs of their belief appeared in the faultinefs of their Government. Every Tyrant took away mens lives at pl~afure. Every Citize-n that had flaves (which was corn- . mon ) at pleafure killed them , and cafl: them intO the ·fiili- · poQds. The fervams fecretly poyfoned their mafters, and that in fo great numbers, that Seneca faith, Epif}. 4· ad Lucil. that the · [Number of thefe thAt Were kjlled by their fervants, through trea– chery, deceit, or force,_ WtU tU great, tU oj them {hilt Were kj/led /Jy · ](ings J; which was nor: a few. . 2. It is apparent that the world would be a Wildernefs, and men like wild and ravenous, if they were not Governedby Motives from the Life to come. r. Becaufe the Nature of man is fo corrupt and vicious, that we fee how prone t:hey are to evil, that everbfting Motives .them• . felves are too much uneffeCt:ual with the rnofr. · 2. Every ma~ na~erally is feljifh, and .therefore wemld meafure •all Good and Evtl With referrence to themfelves, as it was corn- · modious and incommodious to them. And fo venue and vice ·· would not be known, much lefs regarded. 3. By this means there would be as many Endt, and Laws, or Rules, as Men ; and fo the world would be all in a Confu- : fion. 4. If Neceffity forced any to combine, it would be hm as , Rob~ers, and ftrength would be their Law and {uftice ; and he · thett c-ould get· hold of another mans efrate, would have the befr ~ lfitle. . . S. All thofc that llad but fttength to do mifchi'ef, would be · under 110 Law, nor have any fufficient Motive to Refirain them. . What fuould reftrain the Tyrants of the world, that rNle over · many Nations of the earth :. if they believe no Puniilimcnt after · ~Silth, P!l~ ~h~~!~·~i~ L~~~ ~!!~ PradT· ifes fu£~1~ ~~ ~~ i!Dpioubsfia~d 1 , : .. 3 .~ e 1a .• .,__ .