Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

146 Partrr.· Chri£1: at the laO: day, and make his ludgement ro he nothing hac Execution. Yea , and 8. All proper Execution is dcnye-d, as P'indiaive · or Remunerative, andfo al1{1t{l-ice. ' 9. The Aurhority of every Prince on earth is overthrown•. For there can·beno.Au~hority but from. Go1JSoveraign Authvrity; any more then any Be1,;g Wtthout denvauon from the.firft being They may talkto the ignorant of ContraCls, and Peoples Will; , being the Original.ofGoverning Authority, and deifi.e the mHlti– tHde and make them~(ive that which they_ never-had; but a mean undedhnding may perceive their folly. I o. Hereby they defiroy all hPJmane L~-ws ~ ·rhat mufl: receive theirHrength from qods Lttws; or have none: and fo they ab· folve all fubjetts in the world from confcientious obligations to ·. obedience. If God have no proper Governing Laws bm Phyfical motions, then we arc no further obliged to.-obey men, byany Law of God, then we areeffeRually moved to it , and then we do obey them. And if fo 3 then we can owe no more obedience to Parents, Mafters, or Princes then they force m to ! Ifthey can . ~~~k.! us obey them, well and good: -If nee, we break .noLaw· oL God bydifobedience. . · Thefe and.many fuch·like are the €onfequents<>f that horrid doCtrine that denyeth. God to be the Soveraign Ruler of the w.orld. In a word, it dafueth out at once all Go.vernme14t ,Lif-WJ,. 1uftice, Ohedience, GoodWerkJ, and all Mor-ality, . cliffolving the whole frame of the VtJiverfa/ Monarchy of t~e wo!ld, and den;·. i11g God to be our God,and man to be man and hts{u6jtE!• . But if you yield that @ad u the Governour ofthe world, it is then mo£1: evident that theri i 11 life to cGme. For if he Govern m ,it is by Laws, aNd 7ndgement: And if by .Laws, which tlre they1 There is nothing known among Rational men, by the name of _a . Lf!w of God, which containeth not: Ptemifu and Threatnings of Rewards~nd Prmijhrmnt·s hereafter. He bath· no for the .· Governing of this wor.Jd , that contain no Motives but from . T.emporal.things. And I fhe~ed you before; . tb~t he .need n~t, he cannot Govern the world by faHhood and decett. And we fee · here by experience, that there is no fuch Execution in thi& life, of the Laws of God, as are .fufficient to the ends .of Government. Thewicked profper, and ddhoy the jr:ifi: The befi do mofi deny their fldh, ~nd ar.eopp~efi by _others.., "f ou fee this yoar felvesd~ an