Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

:Part '11~ A saint·6r ~ ·nrute: t~r; Mofes were not to reveal a mw doCtrine of fa~vatir;fl that could not otherwifl! be known: but partly to convmce Pharaoh that the Lord wss God,an-d partly to caufe him to lee go the Ifraelitcs. The peoples falvation lay not on the later ; and the former they bad abundant means toknow by the works and light of Nature it {elf: And the M agi,ians wonders were not to reveal a New falfe doUrine any further then t? conte?d againg M?fes Miracles ; and if they had, yet bemg agamft: the doctnne ·of the whole Creation, that revfaleth the Creator, no man could be excufablefor believing them, becaufe God bath given fo full 11 ujii111ony before ag£inft thew, fo that this objeCtion is plainly bu ~ an impertinent eavil. , . But I doubt not but you will ~fay, that yeu Are 11ot /Hre that ,. Chriftrofoagain, and that e7Jer [uch Miracles were d~ne. IAsk therefore, . . · ~ . fl.!! . 7· Whether it be poffible, hat fo m~tny a~d fo y,jfe ~tnd godly . r".l" (as their wriqngs prove them) :,ffio.uld give up tlm'r lwua'r!d ail that they had and coul4 have hop~d for in thh· world, to 'erfwadethe -world th,d they [llw Chrifl Rijen, ifit wrrefalje ; .and to drAW them to6elieve afalfoood th.~t tended to the worldly ruin~ JJf themNI/ ? · • !l.!!_er. 8. And u it poffible thitt if they had been fo had ANd •ad, {fl m~ony ihou[and:r wo11lJ. b.cve be-lieved them, Whtn:'thtir own. freqHent Mirttcles, Language, &c. were the witneft 1Jf their -fia'elit] to which they openly11ppealed? ttnd thu in the ver1 age and place where tt!l thefe things might eaf'ly be confuted il untrue ? If I fhoufd pretend to convince the world by La.nguaget not learned, anc4 by other Miraclo and guijts which I never had. would.conntreys, or any fober pcrfons b.elicve me ? or fhould I not be the common fcorn? Would the Churches of the world have been plantedby prettndedMiracles that never "JJ7ere ? would they aJ.l h~ve given up efiates and lives upon ·an evident lye ? It was eafie for themall to fee andbear whether thefe thing~ were done ~r not. And therefore he that feeth thofe Churches whicll were the proper effects of Miracles, may know the ~aufe; A real eff~a: bad a real caufe. !J..3.r. 9. W.u it poffible that fc many hundrecl or tbfm/~tndper– f ans, dt,erfea abo11t the World on a J Hddcn, Gou/d WithfJHt coming neer eacb .other., agree both upon one and the fame falfe doUrine t!JroughoNt J and on tke famt prafl ices to deceive the world? X 2 · kfr.I.<~.'