Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

·THE I N T R 0- .D U C T I 0 N. ·To all fuchas neglect.> ddlike, or quar..; · reil at a life .oftrue and.ferious God– linefs. ~i55~~:mT httth ~een the matter of my freqsent ' ttdmira.tiOJI , How it c,m be con(zflcnt with theN ;1 rural [elf. love, andReafonable-, nefs 0f man ~ kind, and the fpecial in ... 11~~~~~~ genuity of fome above -others, for men · to believe [ that they muft die, and after live inendlefs Joy or mifery, ac– cording to their pr~parations in this life,] andyet to make no greater If matter of it, nsr Jet themfelfles with all their might. to enquire what they muft be and 'do if they wi/J be J~tved; but ta make tU great" buftncfs and bufsle to have their Wills Anet Pleafure for 4/ittle while , in the fma!l im– pertsntnt matters of this world, tt4 if they had neither hopes · or fears of A'!JJ greAter things hereafter. ·rhat M__ (ome me-;. ' lAmholy perfom are erecera fani, M rtttional M Dther men in a!J' matters faving,fome one, inwhi,b7e1 their de!itation · (h) . maketh -. -.--· /