Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

( 4') 'l.iourf ttr.Jd dayes in vain, and cannot 1 heg a few hours 8{ thee, to Read and Think of thy Evtrlajling flate 1 lf thou da refi n&t Read and Think of what ci!l~ be ja1d abot~tt fuch things as thefe, it is a_(lgn thy cafe ts zn,deeafohttdJ t hat t.hou hAjl mcreneed then others to Read andThink tJf,tbem. 1 krJ(}Jv the Devil dare not give thee leavetod(J it, if he cAlf hinder thee; fer f ear leflthy eyes'fhould be opemdto Jtt, ~tnd thy heart Awakened to feel. , the thtngs which he fo l11boureth to ketp AWtlJ from.thy fight and fee ling, till tt be to~ late : .And wilrthougrAnt him hiJ defire to thy dttmnation, or chrift 1111d his {ervtmts their dcjire 1() thy J alvation ! Think of it ' 'WeD before thou anfwer, it by word er'deed. Being in hope th~tt thouhaft grantedmy reqtJejl(-toRead, Confider, Pray for help, and faithfully do what God iball teach thee) I Jhalinow be~r,in to opm thee tbe w.1-y t~ the nMtter of thi5 Treati{e : 7he [Hmme ()/my buji»efs u to teach thee, r Tim. 4. 8. that [bodily exercife (in Rdi~ g.Jen) profi teth little, but Godlinefs is profitable to all · things, having the promife of the life that now is, and of that which is to corne. J I think it meet th!refore to tell thee here in the beginning [ W.hat Godlinefs- is ] which the LA,poflle dtjfinguifheth frem [bodily exercife] in matters of Religion, andwhich I hAve proved {.4 N<i:ce:ffa– ry ana Excellent in thiJ 'TreAtifr. And thu I muft ·do, J • ./efl thou deceive thy foul by taking fomething d{e for God.:. linc]s ~ 7.. and left tkou le(e thy l.1b~Nr in the Rtttdingof thii Book, and hearing wbdt Scrip:ure and ireMhersfay .f~r God– UnefJ ; 11nd 3. .left thou wron.g me anti' thy felf (according to the cuflom of thiJ maliciotM 11ge) bj imttginh~g that by G.odlinefs, I mean eitht?' Superflitim., or Hypocrijie, or S.chifm~ or thdt lam per{wading -thee to Jedition, bumor, er neediefs fin~· ularity, tmdcr the n.zme of Godlinefs And Re– ligion. I jhall therefore tet/1ou diflinllly here~ What God~ ~iuefs.isindeed ;_and JVp~~!t~sn~r.. · [FJ,,