Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

(6) . .up 011r {elves to he F.t~led by him tt1 our King: t& LettrntJf kim tU o11r Teacher; te wQrk for bim a1 our Mafter: to fi ght under himandfoOew himM (}tlr Captain and Commander, Ifa.63.19.&9.. 6.Luk. 1.9.17.&c. 3. Godlinds contttineth aDevotee' ne[s of our (elves tt4 Beneficiaries to God in Chrift tU our Great B ~" nefcdor,in Love and ·Gratitude. Or M Children to our Reconciled Father to Love him and thankfully obey him, and .depend on him,and be happy in his Love. , . 3. ·it u dfential to Godlinefs And nece(Jary to{al<VttlietJ · .that thu D c: Votedndfc to God, hi JVith atrue ·Renuncia– tion, Refifia:nce, And Forfa.kiog 'of the three great con .. .traries or Enemies to God and m : 1. of the Devil as the D t>ceiver and Principle of ''ickedne[i. 2. of the world (its P ro fi cs, Hon :mrs, ~end P Iea– fures) M the baite by which the Devil would deceive us, .4nd{feat a1vay our 'hearts from God,Jlnd ta~e up or~r tim~, and t urnour thoughts from. the one thing neceflary. 3. of the Fldh , tU the rt:be!ling factdty that would ex– alt it Jelf ahoveour Rea[on, and be pteti[ed before God, and fowoutd tttke its Plcafure M our felic ity and E nd, in{lettd .ef the true felicity and End. 4· It is Elfential to Godlinels fub jc~ ively, that God have the preheminence above 41-fJ Creatures, 1. In t.he 'Habitual Eltimadon of our Judgemcnts, preferring him as the moll: Grear, and Wife , andGood, before d!l others. ~. In the Wills hab imal C a nfent .md C ho ice; ,refufing .all in cumparifon of him, and C hoofi ng him tU ,our Lord, our Ruler, andour Bdl , and Confcnung tm!y tg the Relations 11i which he iJ offered to us. ; • In the wills Refolu ~ ion to feek him and obey him, And en– ,deavour toexpref5thefe mwardprinciples,fo as to prefer no !efor ~ ~~1!!.~ · 1 r.. - . 5~ _'!_~