Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

,(· I9) · all men, even our ene11iits ; and t1. (jecial l8ve to trr~e "Be– lievers. I 1. In a love to th~ holy -commtmion of S.zims·, ·efptcid.lly in pu~liknverfbip, . I 2, In 11 ten~er dejire of the u.nity ofthe Samts; ana thur concord and mcreafo of Cbtt– rity; and a trouble .at their difcordand dirz.1ijiom. 13. In dealin'S :fuflly in our plMes with all men, .wd care(u!t1 avoiding a!/ that may be injurious to a;3y. 14 In flttdy– ing to do all the good we ea;;:,: anddoing it to ettr power; .·efpecially to the hott/hold ~r faith. 1). · !rJ a confcion_able ,drfcharge of the duties of our relations, dS Rulers,– .ers, Parents._. Mafters; fi~bjeCis and infirioru. 16. In watch· fulne{s againft Temptatiom, a?Jd avoiditJg occafiom ~f fin. 17. •In ferious pre.paratioJ~Js for ft~ffer.ings and death, ~nd patient bearilJg them when they come. Thefe are the fhingt that Godlinds dtJth con(tfl in. Alidnowout of all I wilt dratv up ten praCtical directions, which in a (pecial m.<tnner I would intreczt you to Pr,rilice, if yo would be (olidly Godly, and not be deceitr!ed with names .or counterfeits. Direel. I. Be fure to live upon the fubfiantials of Religion, and let them receive no detriment by a pretence of {pal f~r Jeffer points : Lay not yoter Relition in uneffe– C1uat opinions; and let lower truths and duties keep their places, and not be fet above the higher. - . Dir. 2. See that .your Religion be principally fe:1red tn the Heart. Vnderftand it M well M yoa can (left -it he taken fr6m you ; ) but never think it is .favingly your <?Wn while it u but in the brain : fo much you believe in- · deed M you Love, and tU hath imprinted the Image of God upon 1our hearts: Ever (ee thAt your wills be Rejo/ved for ~od an_dholint{s i an_dt~at you be able truly tq fay, I would (d 2) . ~<;