Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

(4) (lus di fcourfe; that might overcharge your ~emories, or-weary , your attentions; but in verybrief, though full expreffions. As Jefus entred into Bethany, Mart ha (who it feems was the · Owner of the houfe) received and entertained him : No doubo but a great company followed Jefus ; or his Difciples that ordi • - narily accornpanyed him, at the lea{L Martha t:hinks that having entertained fuch a gueH:, it were a great negleCt ; if £he fhould not provide for him and for his followers ; and therefore !he is bu(ie in doing what £he can; but rbe number is fo great, that :flu: is oppreffed with the care and trouble, ~ncl findeth chat fhe bath more to do tnen £he is able : Her fiiter that ilie thougnt fhould have helped her in fuch a caJe, is fitting wi (h ·che Dif- .. ciples, at the feet of Chrifi, ~o hear his Word; Martha feeing this, is offended at her (ifier, and feerns to think t,hat Chrifi him– felf is too neglective of her, or partial for her fifier; and therefore thus pleads her caafe with ChriH, [Lord, dvft thou not · -cant hat my fi ftcr IJ.·th lrft me to ferve t~lone ? bid her therefor_e that , fbe help me.] As i' !he had faid, I Is it afit thing ·t-hat both thy fdf and all th is compa-ny fhouldbe unprovided for, and have nei ther meat nor drink? Or ·is it fit that all fhould be laid on rne, even more then I can do , while fhe fits hearing with the Difciples ? Deal equally and merci-fully and bid her help me. J And inde :d rnofi reople would.think that this was but· a reafon- . able motion, and tha-t when Chrifi was made the Judge between them, he £hould .have decided the cafe oq Marthars fide: But he did not fo: But I. in!lead of commending M .Art ha for her care and diligence, he £heweth her errour.; by a gentle, bqt yet a dqfe reproof : [ Martha~ Marthfl,tkou art careful~rnd!roubled · .about many things]• . 2. Infiead of r'tproving Mary for neg!i= gence of her duty in the houfe, he hi.~hly cominendeth her for the feafon~ble doing of agreaur work. [ Mary hath cho{tn thec'Sood JMrt . J 3. He groundeth the Reafon of h1s judgement on the different Nature and Ufe of their employmenrs : [One thing iJ· Ne-edjJ~tl J in comparifon of wbich,-' the-reft were all. m:mecejfary things.,· and fuch as then might have,.been negleCted . 4 ..And fo he paffeth fentence on M~trie's fide; that the good part which fhe h~uh chofen [ foal! not be tak.§n away frvm her l :· In which he not only anfwereth Martha with an exprefs denyal, as if he fuould fay , [I will not rake off ·'MP~rJ from the work which ibe ha~h (_h9.£c:n J ~ bu~. alfQ on tha.t occafio.n doth po;nt .mlt .tbe. du~ .. .. -- · - .... - · - ---- ---------- - · -· -- ----· - ·· rable._ .: