Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

(9) 'heavenly and fpiricual people' ihould you no.t ~be mo_re ·ready when you come together , for he~Zvenly fpJr;tual · d1fco1:1 rfe ? Have you not _a thoufand fold more to fet your t~ugQes o·n work? The nece.ffities of the hearers: the hopes of dowg good; the prefence of God; the fenfc of the duty; the fweernefs of the fubjea:. the avoiding of fin. and the bleffing of Gods ac· ceptance td-your felves ?0 had ~e but the.skill,and will,and dili– -gence, that tais interlocutory preaching by holy confere~ce doth require, what a fu9ply party would it be for the promotmg of mens falvationJ where the more publick preaching of the Gofpel is wanting? ~ho can forbid u~ by familiar ' difcourfe to exercife our charity, in minding poor regardlefs !inners of the life to come ? and exhorting them to due preparario.n, and repentance ; and to open ·to them the ri-ches of Chrifr, and fet forth his love, and draw them to embrace him. 3. Note here J how carefully we fbould taks the prefent oppor– tunities fvr our fouls, to hear and letJrn tU Mary did. She frands not.cave\ling like our full Homackt hearers," that ask, How call y ou prove thdt I am boundto hear {rtch a LeGlure, or t8 come to Churchandhear tfl- Sermon twice on the Lords day, ono C()me t11 tl~e Minifler to aslzadvice, or be inflruflerl by him? No m0re then a. hPmgry man wtll ask , How prove you that it is my duty to eat every day ? Or then a .fic/z man will fay , How prove you that I am bound to feek to the Pfuyficion, to go or fend to his houfe, and to look after him ? As there is much in the very Newnature, and·health, and reliih of a gracious fo1:1l , to decide fuch Con– _tro-verfies as thefe without any fubtilty of argument ; fo aqhri– ftians prudence and care of his falvation. will tell him , that when Chrifi bath a voice to fpe11k to him , it befeemeth him to have an ear to hear; and that the Sermon telleth ' the hearer the Jeafon of his duty, and the offer of a mercy celleth us when it is . .our duty to accept it, without any other more particular obli– gation : unlefs whenwe cap truly fay as before God, that fome d~ty that at that time is greater,hindrcth us. Thefeare eafie que– ~Ions t? thofe that favour the things of the'Spirit. When Chriil u fpeakmg, .friary will be hearing; and leJfer thi13f.s fhall not call her off. If any !hall fay , [So would we too , if we could hear Chrift] I anfwer; Remember that he never intended ro abide himfelf oa e~r~h, a!ld ~e~c~l h!s ~hurch . perfonally by his own mouth · but . - - ·-·-· ·-- .- § --- ·- -~-- .--~--·- -- '~~~