Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

( 44) corn and ~}ghteoufn~fs; but for that which they might have had ' 35 ~n add1t1on to thetr bleifed_ncfs. Matth. 6. 33. Tbey are {till domg; but what are they domg ? even undoing thernfelves by runnmg away from God , to h~n.t afcer the perifhing pleafures of the ~otld : ~nfiead of prov1dmg for the life to come, they. are maktng provt!ion for the flefh to fulfillits lufls, Rom. 13. 14. · Some of them hear.the Word of God; bm they c.hoak it pre– fently by the deceitfulnefs of riches and the cares of this .life ,. Lukf 8. I 4· They are careful and troubled aboutmany things·, but t_be One thing that £hould be all ·to ·them, is caft: by as if it were nothmg. Providing for the fletb, and .minding rhe world~ is the employment of their lives . .1 hey. trouble themfelves wi[h it, and trouble their families; and nearefi .relations, and of[-tirnes trou-· ble the whole Towns or places where they live.; ~o .tbat unlefs · we1villlet them have their bone to themfeives, and · give-them our cloak when they have taken our.coat, and fay as Mtphi6o .. ' foeth [Let him takf aH] there is no living quietly by them. N dog at his carrion, or·a fwine in his trough, is-not more greedy then many of thefe fenfualifis; that labour of rhe Co~ninm appe– tit>~JHO their trafh ~ But ro Holinefs they have m appetite, and.. are worfe then indifferent to the things that are indeed defirable: ~·hey have. no covetoufuefs for the things which they are com– manded e~rmflly to covet, I Cor.. I 2.. 3 I. They have,fo little hun-– ger ~~tnd thirft after righte~mfnefs ., that a very little or none will fatisfie them : Here . they are pleading alwayes · for moder.uion,; and againH: too ,;uch-, and too earne/t, and too long, : And all is too much,with them that is abov~/fark.:. naHght, or dead hyp!Jcrifie :. and all is too carneft and too long that would make Religion feem a: hujinefs; or would engage them to their own pra– fejf]on-, or pat themplljf jeaft in the wodhip of God, and the matters of their falvarion. Let but their fervants or children· ·neglect .their worl-dly bufinefs, ('which I confefs thay {hoa-ld not do) and they lhall hear of it with both ears : But if they fin · . againf.t.God; or negled: .his Word or Wodhip ·, they ilia!!. meet . with more patience then E.ti' sfons ·did : Acold reproof is ,ufual– ~y the befi ; and it is well if they be not enco~raged in their 0n ; .and .if a child or: fervant that begins to be fenous for falvattOnJ be.not rebuked, derided, and hindred by them. If on their dayes– of iaoour theyo.ver-flecp thernfelves, they fuall be fure'tO be cal+: l~d. ., .w~rk, l Cand gs>?_~.. ~-~a~o·n )~ ~t1t ~h~n d~ _they /aa • hleln i