Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

( 48 ') -and proviGons ~ they were obferved to Ggh much, which wa-s th 1 o_ughr to have been in compaffion of their miferable Countrey 9 • ..., Wr1Ich fo mueh differed from ours : When they had H:ayed long among us, and got fo much acquaintance with our cil'ility, and order, and all that belongs to the life of man , as that they were thought fir to communicate it to their Coumrey-men, the next: .Voyage they were brought back, and fet on.fuoare in their own Councrey, to draw forne of rhe refi to come imo rhe Ships, and fee aNd enjoy what they had done (who had purpofely been ufed as might mofi content them ) : But as .foon as they were landed , they Iept for joy, and cryed , Soldania, and cafl: away their cloarhes, and came ag;ain in the fight of our Ships, with dung ..on their heads, and guts hanging :.~bout their necks, triumphing in ~heir fordid nakednefs. Jull fo do worldly fenfual .men, in r:he matters of falvation : If again£1: their wills they are carryed i-nto .cleaner wayes and company~ and the beauty of holinefs, and the joyes of heaven are opened to them, they are aweary of it aU J:he while; and when we exped: they fhould delight rhemfelves in rhe felicity that is opened to rhem,and draw their old acquain– tance to it, and be utterly afuamed of their former bale and fin- .ful ftate, they are gone wben the nexc temptation comes, and return with the dog unro rheir vomit, and with the wafbed Swine to wallow !n rhe mire, 2 Pet. 2. 2 I, 22. and glory in their fi,lth and fuame, and only mind their earthly things, Phj/. 3 . L8. . 'P[e 3· 13 Y this t~me you may fee y0ur felve!; that the di(eafe ·of fin– ners is in their own hearts, and it is that that mun be healed if they will be faved. But what fhoeld we do to get into thofe l1e~rts, to fearch your fores, and work the cure? I come now to t he principal part of my mdfage to you; but will you indeed en– .dn:ain it, if it prove it felf to be from God? How the caf~ fia_nd– .eth with mankind, you have heard in my Text from_ Chnfi hm~felf: HowOne thing iJ needful; and how the bufie-tdle worl.d JS .diverted from this One thing, by many needlefs trouble/am thtngs to their own defirudion: If hence I warn youcf your danger, ~4 !~ll_y'?.~ ~~ y~~~ ~~ty, ~~~ ~~~~!.~ yo~ ~~ ~:~~~ ~~~~~~r cotthr:~