Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

( ~o-j. tl1e ren of your li"es and. labour uponunprofitable things: What– can you fay againfl: this offer ?-Is it not unconceivablc and un-– fpeakable mercy ? 0 what would the damned give for fuch an Qtfer ? 0 what would you your fdves give another day for fuch an offer, if yon now negleB: it ·? What fay you then, will youac· ccpt of this offer of mercy while it may be had-, and clofe witfi, Grace, while Grace would fave you, or will you not? As ever ~1ou look for mercy in the hour of your difirefs, when nothing bur mercy can ftand your fouls in any .Read, take mercy nowwhile~ it may be had :Refufe it not when it is offered you, as you woulci not be refufed by it when Hell and Defparation would devour you. If you flight it oecaufe it is free, yoe flight it becaufe it is · great, and therefore greatly tobe valued. Think not hereafter to llave it at your beck, if you neglect it now when it feeks for your acceptance.. Do not fay, I will alittle longer keepmy fins, and a, little longer enjoy my pleafures, for I can have Chrifis offer at any time before I die. 0 little doit (hou knowwhat a flab fuch .a trifling purpofe may give to the very heart ofall thy hopes and bappinefs !. and how terribly God may make thee know, how ill he taketh thy um8ankfulnefs and contempt ! and how dear one other week of finful pleafure may coR thy foul ? In the name Qf God I warn you,do not {o defpife everlafling happinefs ! ·Do·· 11ot fo trample on rhe.·blood of Chrifi, if you would be faved by · it : Do nor abufe the Spirit of Grace, if you would be fand:ified by it : Play not any longer with the confuming fire, the wrath · of a jealous and Almighty God : Jell not with damnation.. Though GF-ace be now offered you, it will not be at your com– mand : Defpife this motion, and you may be out of hearing be~fore rhe ·next.. What can you expeCt, if you will flight fuch mercy, but either that Dea~h fuould fuordy bring you ;o your · reckoning, or that God iliouid leave you wyour felves,and give· you up to the ba~dnefs of your hearts: And if you will ·needs choofe the world, and fleilily pleafure; and God and Glory{hall . be thus contemptuoufiy paft by, you may take your choice, and fee what yot1 will oet by it : But remember what an offer you had this day, an°d that, heaven was once within your .reach, . and that it. rpight have been yours for ever 1f you . would. But becaufe I am loth Eo lean youfo, I will tryb'y fome fuch ' J.liq~_uments,~s'·Fh~~~~-f~!! ~!!!la~ ~!Jf!n~ee~ apprO've ~ Whether · y_e~ . ..