Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

( 5·Z·) ist.·matter that m~Hf/ be don.e. It is pitty and fhame that the Ami..: ableneis of God and Holinefs will not prevail with you of them– fel ves, : But if you cannot yet perceive them to be De/e£l11ble , , acknowledge them to be NeceJfarJ• Be dhamed that pretended ]Jlece!Jity for the Bod], fhould be more powerful with others , then real Ne(ejfity for falv~ttion is with you•. Look t:~pon almofl, all the travel and labour that is under the Sun, and all the dili– gence that is ufed here in the world, and confider w.hether it be, not a thoufand fold fmaller Neetffitythen now p-leading with · ~~ou, that fetceth almofi all on work ? The Rich will not toil and . labour ,but will rake.their-ea fe, becaufe they think they are under no Necefsity : but the p.oor will labour, . becaufe they muft: Though the command of God to Rich and p11or !hould make: them equally diligent in their feveral £allings, .in obedience to their Creator , yet many thoufands that labour a!! the year in . obedience to their own Necefsities, would foon give it over and take their eafe, if they could but be well maintained withon-t it, notwithllanding the commands.of God : And the poor.that re-– proach the ri'h for id!enJfs , would be idle themfelves if they were but rich. The Tradefman foHoweth his trade, and. the Huf- . bandman l:lis hard labour all the year :.and What reafonwill they give you, if you ask themwhy they do it, bm this, We cannot live fl[e : We muft. do itJo ma·intain- c1t.r {elves .mdfamilies. And is noc the reafon a choufand times ftronger fpr ou.r f01i!ls r May•we– not better fay, [ WNnuft pleafe God, andfetour hearts on the life . to c~me , and mind and feek__tbe One thing needfu./, whattvcr be– ~omcs · of other,·things.; f~r we cfl.nnot livf tlfe; we cannot ~e fovcd. tlfe. ] Ncce/sitrmakes,the,Travdler trudgefrom morni-ng till night; . -- and rhe Carryer to follow his horfes through fair and foul from year eo ye-ar; .it makes ·fome dig into the bowells of the earth , in mines and eole· pirs ; .and fome to hale Barges ; and fome. to cm through the rerrib.Je Ocean , .and venture their lives among the.raging waves and fiorms; and.fome even to beg their bread in rags·from door to door: .And 0 .what will noaNfcefsity do that can be.done? .And yet how many thoufands trifle or do no– thing for their fou ls , as; if there we_re no Nuefsity_of being [PZved; or no NecefJitrof being Holy . that we may be.faved. When alas, all:theNeceffityin the world, is no·neceffity at all, in , ~omparifon of!this. Yollrntill beg, pr itarvc 3 , OI famiili, _if Y:OU ' · - --- ·- - .. · .... -. .. --· -_- - --- ----- - .... .. - · . do.>