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102 THE NECESSITY OF SEEKING [Chap. 7. Should not we be more active for our own preservation, than our enemies are for our ruin ? 2. It should excite us to diligence, when we consider our ta- lents, and our mercies, our relation to God, and the afflictions he lays upon us. The talents which we have received are many and great. What people breathing on earth have had plainer instructions, or more forcible persuasions, or more constant admonitions, in season and out of season ? ser- mons, till we have been weary of them, and Sabbaths, till we profaned them ; excellent books in such plenty that we knew not which to read ? What people have had God so near them ? or have seen so much of Christ crucified be- fore their eyes ? or have had heaven and hell so open unto them ? What speed should such a people make for heaven! how should they fly that are thus winged ! and how swiftly should they sail that have wind and tide to help them ! A small measure of grace becomes not such a people, nor will an ordinary diligence in the work of God excuse them. All our lives have been filled with mercies. God hath mer- cifully poured out upon us the riches of sea and land, of heaven and earth. We are fed and clothed with mercy. We have mercies within and without. To number them, is to count the stars or the sands of the sea-shore. If there be any difference betwixt hell and earth, yea, or heaven and earth, then certainly we have received mercy. If the blood of the Son of God be mercy, then we are engaged to God by mercy. Shall God think nothing too much, nor too good for us; and shall we think all too much that we When for him ? I compare my slow and unprofitable life with the frequent and wonderful mercies received, it shames me, it silences me, and leaves me inexcusable. Be- sides our talents and mercies, our relations to God are most endearing. Are we his children, and do we not owe him our most tender affections and dutiful obedience? Are we " the spouse of Christ," and should we not obey and love him ? " If he be a Father, where is his honor ? and if he be a Master, where is his fear ? We call him Master, and Lord, and we say well." But if our industry be not an- swerable to ourrelations, we condemn ourselves in saying we are his children or his servants. How will the hard labor and daily toil which servants undergo to please their 'masters, judge and condemn those who will not labor so