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Chap. 3.] THE SAINTS' REST. CHAPTER III. THE EXCELLENCIES OF THE SAINTS' REST. 37 1. It is the purchased possession; 2. Afree gift; 3. Peculiar to saints; 4. An association with saints and angels; 5. It derives its joys Im- mediatelyfrom God himself. 6. It will be seasonable; 7. Suitable; S. Perfect, without sin and suffering ; 9. And everlasting. LET us draw a little nearer, and see what further excel- lencies this rest affordeth. The Lord hide us in the clefts of the rock, and cover us with the hands of indulgent grace, while we approach to take this view ! This rest is excellent for being a purchased possession; a free gift; peculiar to saints; an association with saints and angels; yet deriving its joys immediately from God; and because it will be a seasonable, suitable, perfect, and eternal rest. 1. It is .a most singular honor of the saints' rest, to be called the purchased possession; that is, the fruit of the blood of the Son of God; yea, the chief fruit, the end and perfection of all the fruits and efficacy of that blood. Greater love than this there is not, to lay down the life of the lover. And to have this our Redeemer ever before our eyes, and the liveliest sense and freshest remembrance of that dying, bleeding love, still upon our souls ! How will it fill our souls with perpetual joy, to think, that in the streams of this blood we have swum through the violence of the world, the snares of Satan, the seducements of flesh, the curse of the law, the wrath of an offended God, the accusations of a guilty conscience, and the vexing doubt's and fears of an unbelieving heart, and are arrived safe at the presence of God ! Now he cries to us, " Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow !" and we scarce regard the mournful voice, and scarce turn aside to view the wounds. But then our perfected souls will feel, and flame in love for love. With what astonishing apprehensions will re- deemed saints everlastingly behold their blessed Redeem- er ! the purchaser, and the price, together with the pos- session ! Neither will the view of bis wounds of love renew our wounds of sorrow. He, whose first words after his resurrection were to a great sinner, " Woman, why