Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

Chrijl:ian Religion proved by Re'afon. ces of it are fcattcr'J all over the World. Where-ever a Jew is found; there is a Stone ~ of Ruin'd Jcr~tfalmt neverto be rebuilt. In fhort, that wretched Nation is rent into Chap. 4· innumerable parts, and expos'd to the contempt and barred of all . . As ~he Body ofa ~ Traitoris Q!'d, and the Parts hung upmfeveralplacesof Pnbltck vrew, to fignt- /ie the horrour of his Crimes in the feverity of his Punifhment: God has taken away all the marks of his Alliance with them. No di!linl.bon of their Tribes remain, no obfetvance of their legal Ceremonies, no Friells, no Altars, no Sacrifices, no Prophets norMiracles· in fhort, there is no true Worfhip among them, no God but atigry and revenging tl;eir Bloody Impietics. And which is moll worth~ of c~mfideration, the Romant that conquer' cl them have loll: thm Emprre, and the NattOns wluch were fubdued by their Arm,, have recovered their Liberty: But the Jem after Stxteen hundred Years are {\ill miferable. Now IS not thrs Judgment of God upon them a dreadful proof of the extremity of their Wickednefs in Crucifying JESUS CH R l ST, and that confequentlyhe was, "'he declar'dhimfelf to be, the. Son of God, and that his Office and Dollr ine were from Heaven. Never before dtd the Wrath of God break forth in fuch a fierce manner agaiofr a Sinful Nation. ~ Therefore 'tis reprefented under the Image of the fi nal Dooot, when Jufl:ice arm'd with flames fhall devo•r the V11godly, and the whole World become a Theatre of T errors. And neverwasanyorherNation guilty of fuch an high provocadon: For theSon of God ~efcended bur once among Men to be petfonally crucified . T he fi ngnlanty of the pumfhment rs a vrfible mfl:rufrive fign of rhei.r uanfcendent Crime. Immediately upon their pronouncing the capital Sentence againft him on Earth, their utter Ruin was pronounc'd in Heaven. And the execution of the Sentence was dcferr'd no longer, but ti ll the Ele/.1: of that People were brought in, and by the Preaching and excellent Mtracles ,of the Apoflles, the. Refurrel.l:ion of Chrifr and ,:,. Truth of the Gofpel were confirm d, and thereby a Begmnmg and Form given ;o the newChri!lian Church. Now they .have written on th; ir Forehe~ds in very legible Charal.l:ets, the Fatal Curfe which thelf Fathers pronounc d concernmg Jefus Chrill, H;t Blood be on Vt, and our Chi!drm. When Mofet with Ind1gnatton for their Idolatry, broke the Tables of the Law, God reefrablifh'd them, but when for a greater guilt God bimfclf broke them, there is no poflible Redintegration. If it be fa id, that 'tis not neccffa ry to attribme this Ruin of the ']ewr to the partiQJ!ar Vengeance of God, but ohly to the Infl:ability of Human things, wherein fuch diCtflrous Revolutions fometimrs happen. I anfwcr, That although Divine Jufl:ice was fo vifible in their afl:onifhing Defl:rutl:ion, that ~ TU ut himfelf refus'd a Triumphal Crown after his eompleat Vitl:ory; declaring • Phi/of!. •ir. that he was .bur the Infl:mment of God's Anger, who was the InvifiblcEmperor in that AJOU.Iib.6. bloody Expedition; yet to force an acknowledgment of it from all that are not wi'ful7re~1~~~: ~~ ~~~! ~;~~~1~o:~~~otPe\{,'::Oi~v~~:ti~eYr%f:·E~;g .~~~irn~:~~~J: thTh~:~~~ Saviour in the Parable of the l-lusbandmen and Vineya rd, after they had put to Death the Mafler's Son, he adds, Wbat Jha/1 therefore the Lord of tbe 11neyard do? He will come ttnd de.ftroy the H1Hblf1Jdmen, and give the Vlneyard to others. And upon his drawing ne:~r ro the City of 1emfolem, he wept over it, foying, If thme httdft fetown, eve1z thou, atlettji_iJtlhi.t 'thyDay, the thing.r which belong tmto thy Putce, b11t now theyttre hid from thine F;•e.r. For the Day.r Jball come ~tpon thee, that thine Enemie.t ]ball caft a Trench ttboJJt thu, turl compaft thee ro1md, and kfep thee in on every fide, mtd {hall lay thee even with the Gr mrl., and fba/1 "ot !ewe iu thee one Stone upon tl11other ; beca1tfl thme 4noweil not the time of ibJ V!ftation. T his was alfo for~told by Majir in all the terrible circumflances: The Lrd .!hall brilrg a Nalion agai11ff thee from far, from the wd of 1he Earth, a; fwift DM. •8 • , 4..1 the Ettgle jl)'cth; a Ntttionwhtlje. Ton<~11e thmtjhaltnot 1mderPtt11d; aNtttion of fierce COJmtenance, which]ball uot regard the Perfon of the Old, nor Jbew fttvfmr to the Young: And he jball Eat the Fmit of ihy Cattel, a11d the Fmit of thy la11d, nntil thou be de{lroyed; whicb alfo foal/ not thee eit l1er Corn, TtV"ine or Oyl, or the w creafe of thy Kine, or Flock,[ of thy Sheep, tmlil hehuve dejlroJed thee: And hejha/1 Befege thee ill all tby Gdlu tbrougbout all tbj lAnd ) ~vbich the L~rd tby God hath given thee, in the Siege, tt.nd in the Straitmft rl'hertrrith t biue Emmie.t jluU diflreft thee. SuCh was the Threatning, and the Event was correfpondent in all the degrees of mifery. Which as it demonflrates the truth of the Prophecy, fo it may infl:rul.l:ushowfea rfulathingitisrofallinto the Hands of the Living God. 3· Theconvertin ~ o!' theGenti!e World to the Saving knowledge ofGod by the Meiliah was :owolc\ m the Scnpturts. The Beams of this Glorious .Truth were gradually drfpens d to tbei(i·aelitu as thetr Weak Underfl:atidings could fu{\ain it. When the Covcnanr was made with Abraham, God declared in exprefs terms, In tl!)l Seed JbaU all th.. ~aL 2 ' llOitS