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( 93 ) "rtt/alem fromAntioch, to the Apoftles and Elders, about the Question, "and werebrought on their way bythe Church, and palled thorow Phe- "niceand Samaria: Chofen men are fent to .Antioch with Paul and Barna- "bias, udas and Silas, withLetters from the Apoftles, Eiders, and Bre- "thren3 even to the Brethrenof the Gentiles in Antioch, Syria, and " via And when they came to Antioch they delivered the Letters ; and ".Paul they, went thorow the Cities delivered them the De= " crees tokeep, thatwere ordained by theApoftles and Elders that were at "Jerufalem.3 Doth not the Reader wonder where is theProof? And won- der he may far-tne,unlefs this be it : The Apoftles -and Elders were at. Je. rufalemwhen they wrote this Letter, and thence fent it to Antioch, Syria, andCilicia : Ergo,They eftablifhed the Bifhop of Jerufalem tobe theGover- nourand Metropolitan of Antioch, Syrià, and Olivia. The Apoftle Paul went from Antioch to other Cities, and delivered them thefe Decrees: ,ergo-, Antioch is the governing Metropolis of thole Cities. I think the major Propofitions are, [EveryCity fromwhich Apoftles fend their Let- ters toother Cities, and everyCity from, which an Apoftle carrieth filch Lettersor Decreestoother Cities,. isby thofe Apoftles made the Govern- ingMetropolis of thofe-other Cities.]_ What dull Heads are the Puritans, toqueftion firth this! But itis notgiven to all Men to be wife: And we ignorant Perfons are left in doubt, .Q t. Whether the Univerfal Headlnipor Papacyof the Bithop of ,yerufalem be not of Apo-,,. ftolical Inftitution? and .hat more than by one Apoftle, even by all of them that were thenat 7erufalem? £z. Whether the Apoftles did not this as they didother partsof Church-fettlement, by the Spirit of God ? and fo, whether it be not jure Diving ? yea, by a more eminent Authority than the Scriptures, which were written by parts, by feveral tingle Men, frimeApoftles, and tome Evangelifts ? when this is laid to bedone by all together. Q 3. Whether Chrift's. Life, Death, Refurreçtion, Afcenfion, andfending the Apoftles thence into all theWorld, (and not into the Bo- man Empire onely) do not incomparably more evidently make 7erufalem - theUniverfal Metropolis of the Earih, and fo let it above Rome, which is but the Metropolis of one Empire? .Q 4. Whether then an Univerfal Head of the Church or Vicar of Chrift be not jare Divino ? and-fo a Yerufalem Papacy be not ell'entì the true Church and Religion ? g. y: Whether then all the Emperours, Bishops, and Churches, that did fee up Rome, Alexandria , Antioch, and Conflantinaple above Jerufalem, were not Traytorsagainit the Univerfal Sovereignof the Church, and guil- tyof Ufurpation and grors Schifm'? .,i.-To what putpofe this Sove- reignty was:given to ferafalem, which was never ,poffefs'd and exercifed ? 7. WhetherPeter's beingat Rome-could alter this Church-Conititution? and one Apoftlecouldundo what all together had done ? Q S. Whether theApoftles carried this Metropolitical Prerogative with them from place toplace,where-ever theycame? And whether it didbelong to the Alen or thePlace -? And whether to the Place whence they farft bet out, or toevery Place-