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(127) Bifhop ofthe Diocefe who never tawhim, nor ever had opportunity to feehim, tho I live about an hundred miles neerer him -(being atLondon) than force parts of his Diocefe are ? I know thole that Labour amongus in this Parifh, but the Bifhop never laboured among us, nor was here that ever I heard of nor do i know one in the Parilh, that ufeth not to Travaile, that ever faw him, and few that byheatfay know his name. Rom. s 5.7. 14. Receive ye one another as ChriJi alfo receivedus, to the Glory ofGod. 6. That ye may with one mind and one mouth"glorifie God ---- 'ofwhichfaith Dr. Hammond; [That ye may joyo unanimouJly Jews and Gentiles intoone; andaffemblingtogither, wor(hipand fcrvethe Lord, wherefore in all humility ofcondefeenfin and'kindnefe, embrace andfarceur one another, he.lpohenupwhen theyare fallen, inftead of dejpifing and driving them froJn your communion v t 4. [Able alfa toadmonifh one another foCol. 3 . t 6. Teach - ing and admonithing one another in Pfalms, and Hymns But more of this in the ad. part. . Laftly it is their part to admonith a brother that offendeth, and if he hear not, to rake two or three witnefl'es, and if he hear not to tell the Church Matth. 18..15. (of which feeDr. Hammonds Annot. and of the Keys). But all this requiretlìperfonal knowledge and propin- quity. Obj. Itis non neceffaryto the beingof Church members, that every one that is a Churchmember know them : many in London know not their next Neigh- bours. Anf. I Speak not. r.. Cf the AsSI',. but of the Power or Capacityand theRelation with its end. 2. I [peak not of 'every member, but of 16. greata part as denominateth the Church. r.. As a Pallor who by ficknefsor other impediment preacheth' not of a. long time, may yet be a Pàtlor, becaufe he bath. n. ThePower. 2.. Anda Relation Whole end is the In4ructing óf the Flock. 3. .And he: intendeth the exercife as foon as the impediment is removed (or if lazy- nefs or anyculpableneglefl be the cattle, that altereth not the Hahne of theoffice but proveth him faulty) So a member that is. i. Cap- able. 2.. Related co the end, may beamerrbcr, though ncgle&t.or im pediments keep them from the exercife of much of that which they o- therwife tnai do. He that dwelleth" in the Neighborhood may do all there Offices to another, if he will,when opportunitycalleth for it ; and therefore may be fo obliged to it : But focannot-he that dwelleth out of reach. Citizensor members of Corporations are in a capacity `oroffices, belonging to the focety,thcughfotne may nègleít íhem,andotherswant opportunity todo them; but one out ofreach is uncapabic of the duty and. therefore uncapablecf theRelation, which is made up ofobligation to tht t duty when there iscaufe. The Relation is effentially a Power and obligation to theDuty : And the Difpofttio matcrie is neceffary to the reception of tire forme.. He therefore. that is notin a.capable means,hy, cohabitation, isnot material