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(145) 'the immediatedutiesor their places? But not to profefs that they ate Chriliians when they arenot,or that they cord-cot to Church Communion, when they do not : Nor to rake thole Privileges whichbelong not to them : Na m.nt barb right to Charcb Comm: pion, who had ratherbeexcom- municated then repent of fin : Therefore if Gods word and an excommu- nication will not bring him to profefs Repentance, he (hould not be either Rackt or Imprifoncd, to force him to fa} he doth repent, when it is certain that he doth not indeed repent, who will not profefs it by caficr means: Nor hath that man right toabfolutiaon and Church Cotn- fnunion , who only prefereth it before a Goale. The effefts of the Church Key es are talked of but are indeedunkrown,whereReuter force doth dcterrtr.en into lyting profcfíìons of repentance and drive un_ willing perfons in to the Corrrnunionof the Church: No unwillingper- fon (hould have theScal of pardon putinto his hands. Obj. But we cannot fay thy arc unwilling who content, -though moved by she penaltyof the Lam andSword. Anf, yes ; he is to be called unwilling, who bathnot the willingnefs which Chriti maketh neceffary : He that is not willing to have Chute!, Communion for it flf, and for Chri i and his falvation, is not willing ofit -at all inched, nor in Gods account : For it is only freedome from a Prifen that he is willing of, and of Church Commtarion as a means to that, and nor as a means to the end that "God appointed it: As he that con- tented] to be Baptized only to heal the Kings evil, or to fave his life, is rot to be Baptized nor taken for a Chriflian, nor is it Baptifm indeed, but touchingonlywhieb heconfenteth to ; fo is it in thiscafe. Obj. But bow know you but them.rn bath righter ends together withtbef, punifbment brings manyaman to reafon and true repentance. Anf. You fuppofe your felvcs that theword and Keys will not prevail with him of rhemfelves ; and therefore it is that you delire force your own Confcierices tell you that it is but to avoid punifhment that you fuppofe him to profefs repentance : Otherwife vyhen your threats .have brought him to repentance, try what is the cause by remitting the penaltyon hisbodyaand after freely leaving him to himfelf. Obj. But fame are like Children that will bear reafon when tbeirffub5ornnefr is taken down: Therefore it may alfo have better motives for oughtyou know. Anf., r. Men that are dealt with in the matters ofSalvation, are not to be thus tiled as Fools and Children about common things ; but as men that muff live and die as theychoof...z. And God bath left us no fuch means to bring men into a right Choice in things of 'this nature: Otherwi(eyou might fee Infidels on the Rack till theyconfent to beBap- tized, or fend them to Prifon, and then fay, how know you but this, as the Rod doth Children, hath brought them to their wilts. But the Church of Chrift never took this courfe, nor never thusunderl}ood his will. 3. The cafe is plain to men that will underhand: W'I.en Gad .bath made mens free confine. the Condition of their Salvation and the Pro- V fifën